As is well known, I hold a “certain” place here on ILP…
that I am ignored, indeed, some have place me on ignored…
but the question arises, to why? Why is Kropotkin so disliked
on ILP? After some pondering, I may have some answers…
I am disliked because I actually stand for something and to the
many on ILP who actually don’t stand for anything, they feel guilty
in realizing that they don’t stand for anything…so I ask you…
what do you stand for?
Many, many around here oppose me and my values, but to a person,
they are unable to state what they stand for…for example,
several here call me a “commie” suggesting that they oppose me,
but two things, first of all, what values do I hold that makes me
a communist? and secondly, what values do you hold that
opposes ‘‘communism’’?
If I am wrong, then what values are the ‘‘right’’ values?
IF you are against me, then what values do you hold that
are ‘‘superior’’ to my values? If I were to be ‘‘reeducated’’,
what values should I hold?
So what I am suggesting, well, more than just suggesting,
I am flat out saying that those who oppose me, don’t
actually stand for anything. They proclaim to all who will read them
that I am wrong, OK, if I am wrong, then what values should we hold?
YOU never hear UR or Observe or even gLOOM say what values are
the values that we should hold… they just say Kropotkin is wrong…
with the ever-present insult, “commie” which they leave without ever
defining what a “commie” is…and why that is wrong… so if this “commie” is
wrong, then what are the right values?
Let us take as an example, UR… he quite often proclaims how I am
a “commie” ok, if I am wrong, then what values should I hold?
UR has absolutely no idea because he doesn’t actually have any values…
he stands for nothing… which is why it is easy for him to fall for
the latest conspiracy theory… those conspiracy theories replace
the values he should be holding… in other words, he holds conspiracy
theories because he doesn’t stand for anything else… there are no values
worth holding, just conspiracy theories…
So, I ask you dear reader… what values do you hold and why those values?
if you are honestly unable to tell me what values you hold and why those values,
then how do you know that I am wrong? I have proclaimed dozens of times
the values I hold, Justice/equality, love, peace, charity, cooperation,
and I have called these values, higher values… values which make us
become more human, not less… values like hate, violence, anger, lust,
are lower values, they are animal values… and as Nietzsche said, we
are traveling between being animal and becoming human…
once, a long time ago, we were animals, no different than dogs or cats
or mice… and somehow, perhaps by holding values, we began the long,
still ongoing journey of going from animal to becoming human, fully human…
it is by our values that we make the journey from animal to human.
so, once again, tell me your values that make you human?
Don’t tell me I am wrong, tell why I am wrong and what values
I should hold to, to be “right”.
It is not in our daily activities of working and eating and shitting
and fucking that make us human, for all animals do that,
it is by holding values that make us human, so what values should
we hold to make us even more human?