Anarchism is stupid...

Anarchism is stupid…

  • YES!
  • Definitely!
0 voters

“Anarchy is not chaos, but order with out control.”
-David Layson

What order is there in Anarchy?

I just feel that if people read up on Anarchism, they would be embarrassed that they even associated themselves with it at some point.

Anarchists are totally welcome to attempt to rip me a new one… :smiley:

Control has some sort of order. If there is no control, from any side, there is no order of anykind.


and another thing…

If there is something to vote on…there has to be two (2) or more DIFFERENT answers…definitely is a synonym of yes, so therefore it’s an unfair election.

I voted yes.

It’s stupid not to lean on and trust your fellow human beings in collective association and play by the rules of the group for one’s own thereby improved security and freedom.

I would not be surprised if those who cleave to anarchy have been hurt in past group association.

Anarchy is not the mistrust of others, just the lack of trust and faith that people who are complete strangers and ethicly different will not enforce their dogmatic ideas on their subjects.


Well…if actually did research…and did it correctly, in other words…NOT on wikipedia you would know what anarchy is. [/u][/i]

It was a joke… hee hee… :laughing: I think polls are stupid.

But lets attack what I proposed from your quote:

What order is there in Anarchy?

Some…but not much at all…

What do you think about this statement?

What some?

Fine there is none…lol

Research? Well let’s check the dictionary, one of the most simple and used references for research available.

[b]an·ar·chy /ˈænərki/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[an-er-kee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

  1. a state of society without government or law.
  2. political and social disorder due to the absence of governmental control: The death of the king was followed by a year of anarchy.
  3. a theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.
  4. confusion; chaos; disorder: Intellectual and moral anarchy followed his loss of faith.[/b]

[size=75]I can’t tell you how much I love using the dictionary to annihilate people in political debates… so easy… and so much fun…[/size]

:laughing: You best remove that quote from your signature then… hee hee… :laughing: Or keep it there and spray my face with mace! :laughing:

Lol…you might have proved me wrong…but I’m keeping it.

Your avatar is ANARCHY. But mine is much cooler. I’m a cool smoking philosophy skull. Aren’t I so cool? :laughing: I’m such a dork. But I don’t give a shit. I fucking love skulls! I don’t care that they are so cliché!

Good for you and FUCK ME for proving your quote to be stupid! :laughing:

My screen name is dorky too. My real name is BEN HANES. So i took out some of the letters and made BANE - The meaning of bane as an English form of nemesis, the bringer of ruin, dates only from 1577. Now an affliction, curse, evil, ill, plague, scourge or woe, in Old English bana had a more specific and immediate meaning, of “slayer”, “murderer.”

What a nerd!

I’ll pass…

It’s ok…I’m a “nerd” too

I meant it as if you were saying “FUCK YOU” to me. Not literally FUCK ME. YOU’RE SICK! I’d pass too! :laughing: