Perhaps I should be more well read before confronting an entrenched philosophy, but all the combined efforts of all the greatest philosophers have failed to change a dang thing, we still live at the mercy of those willing to veil themselves in concepts unrelated to the reality of rule by force. If you have the biggest club, you collect the tax.
When all are confronted with the truth that it is wrong to do to somebody else what is wrong to do to yourself,…if it’s wrong for me to take X% of your wage, it’s wrong for anybody to take my wages. Period.
All conflict will cease when I can no longer rule you by force, you do what you want to do, that doesn’t mean that you can take things from others in order to minimize labor, you have to do for you, but neither can they take from you.
As for the steak, who grew the cow, who butchered the cow, and who cooked the cow? All have some investment of time, and should all be included in the eating.
The only arbitration you get is the arbitration you make, if it devolves into violence, I’m sorry that ya’ll couldn’t come to a more civilized conclusion, but it doesn’t affect me, and if it did, I’d do what I had to do to survive, or I’d perish.
You don’t have the freedom to take one instant from my life, if you do, it is my responsibility to fight, and/or die, to stop you from taking away from my life. Maybe I’ll team up with some neighbors, and we’ll just hang you from a tree, maybe I’ll die, and you will go on to do whatever, crap happens, there isn’t anything you can do to change it once it does, you can only make your way the best you can. Perfection is not a likely outcome of any human endeavor.
I am the authority, you are the authority, we(the indidviduals involved) are the authority. There is no guarantee that ‘good’ prevails, in fact, by looking at the recent history of the US, one could conclude that evil wins quite often. (When the head of the secret police gets elected vice-supreme ruler, then supreme ruler, then loses by the force of one person’s personality, then gets his son elected twice, something is amiss. This next election should prove telling.)
You did have it at birth, your folks just traded it for their help, without your consent, I might add. Just because I can’t live without some help doesn’t make you my god, I still own my life, it is not for you to take away in whole, or in part, sorry.
I’m ‘whining’ about having nanoseconds(and more) taken from my life so that Uncles George and Tony can live in posh estates. I live my life fully, I do what strikes my fancy, when it strikes my fancy, unless I haven’t managed to attain that goal as yet, but I don’t let the government stop me from doing whatever.
Yes, where the individual does not force me against my will, and the society does, if the society we lived in respected my right to pollute my mind in any manner that didn’t interfere with others I would, of course. be pro- society, but since this society thinks that I must join them or suffer, I say they can jump in a lake.
Yes, I suspect that there will always be mental defectives that harm others.
So, the powermongers ARE wrong?
Thanks for pointing out that my ideas are not mainstream, and that the mainstream labels all things non-mainstream with derogatory terms.
So, absent dad’s spanking hand you’d raid his stash? What kind of person does that make you? Mainstream, is what I’d call it,…they accept violence as a means.
Thanks for taking the time,…