Ancient skies

I’ll never forget an incident about 10 years ago; i was sitting at my computer one evening after dark when suddenly it switched itself off and the light in the room went off.
At first i thought a fuse had blown, but then i realised the street lamp outside had gone off too.
I looked out of the window and there was no light anywhere, not a glimmer of any kind.
Power cut! (It lasted about an hour)
“Oh well” i thought, “i might as well make myself a cup of tea”…
But the kettle stayed cold because i’d forgotten it was an electric kettle, duh…
So i trudged into the other room to watch TV. Bad move, no electricity…
It was turning cold, so i tried the electric heating. Stone cold of course…
I ambled into the back garden to look around and see if i could spot a light somewhere, anywhere, but without success.
Then as my eyes grew accustomised to the pitch blackness, I glanced up to the sky, and was hit by the stunning sight of a trillion stars blazing down that took my breath away!
As a city-dweller i’d never seen them like this before because of light pollution, but now i could see the whole heavenly array in all their splendour, not just the usual bright ones but all the tiny faint ones like grains of sand, and the band of the Milky Way across the zenith, the whole show seemed to have an awesomely dizzying 3D depth to it.
It was a very spiritual experience, there i was, back in the stone age without electricity,cold, lonely and dying for a cup of tea, yet there were the heavens blazing down in all their glory, huge, powerful, majestic, eternal…
“…praise to the Lord, to him who rides the ancient skies above,
whose power is in the skies.” (Psalm 68:33-34)

Mick, sometimes I see a light in the night sky that most would call a star, but I find it to be almost too bright, and seemingly too close and too big, for a common star. Sometimes it appears to hover within the earth’s atmosphere.

Have you personally seen the light I’m talking about? Maybe you haven’t, but it always shines down in mystical way, and never fails to get my imagination.

Has anyone seen the this peculiar light before?

is it the moon ? lol

haha. good one.

most people would say it was a distant planet, but they’re only guessing.

It’s a shame you are limited to seeing only God. When I looked at the skies from my tent in the Laos jungle last month my head was able to imagine all sorts of possibilities and wonders. These thoughts kept me going, with a certain unrest yet an absolute calm, until the next morning. Sleep had completely escaped me. A real shame you will not experience these thoughts; having as you do, the answer to everything already at your fingertips.

That sounds interesting.

Maybe you could tell us more about that nice event?

If you don’t mind.

Kevconman quote - Mick, sometimes I see a light in the night sky that most would call a star, but I find it to be almost too bright, and seemingly too close and too big, for a common star. Sometimes it appears to hover within the earth’s atmosphere.
Have you personally seen the light I’m talking about? Maybe you haven’t, but it always shines down in mystical way, and never fails to get my imagination.
Has anyone seen the this peculiar light before?

People see inexplicable lights in the sky all the time mate, day and night.
There’s a well-known case of a fighter pilot actually trying to intercept one, his last words were “It’s metallic and is tremendous in size.”
Full story here - … ntell.html

i love these kinds of experiences. When I was younger, I would interpret looking at stars from a mormon perspective thinking things like, “one day I’ll have my own star.” It was special from my own perspective.

Nowadays, (not being mormon) I try to just enjoy the beauty and power of it.

I love nature . . . I’m a goddamn hippie :smiley:

The lack of light pollution makes for a fantastic sky, much like Mike’s. It is more white than black. I unzipped the top of my tent for a clearer view which meant I got bitten about 500 times by mozzies, but it was worth every bite. You can really understand why people created God.

where I live you can see the Milky Way in all its glorious splender, Meteorites fly through the sky at odd times, My favorite time is 4 am sitting on my porch or up on our hill with a cup of coffee and myself. Our cats sit at my side and watch the world, plants rustle with nocturnal life, a deer sillohettes the the field below or beside me. Cats watch quietly with certain feline knowledge that things will be Ok.

As a Child, the skies over Arizona were bright, now it is the land that is bright and you can’t see the skies. I think I prefer the country. it is like visiting an old comfortable friend.


You know, Mick, it was a ufo and then it turned into three of them. I was with my mother so I knew it wasn’t something wrong with my vision.

The only reason I didn’t mention it in the first post, was because I wanted to see anyone would suggest a ufo, without bashing me for making the claim myself.

You did suggest it, and I’m glad. I’ve never seen anything so strange in my life. My only wish is that everyone can get a privaledged glimpse like that themselves.

I respect your sightings on UFO’s. But am reluctant to accept it as factual, b/c it is not confirmed knowledge, but usually human accounts. Just like supernatural stuff is usually pure human accounts. Because a human reports they see it, or many say they see it, does not “proove” it. It could exist because of other ways either in the spectators mind or some other phenomenal.

It seems like when people see lights in teh sky today, they automatically assume it is UFO’s. However, it could be various phenomena.

However, I find such things very interesting . . . and fun.

To be honest, if I hadn’t seen what I saw that night, and someone told me of their experience with ufos, I would’ve probably doubted them too.

I can say, however, that the spacecrafts looked exactly how they show them in the movies, so when I came across them, I felt like I was watching something unreal. Thats why I was glad to be with someone to confirm it.

It very well could have been top secret government stuff, since there were no aliens in sight.

I know I’ll never convince other people, but, like I said, I hope all people get to witness something as extraordinary as that. It made my life more interesting, for the moment.

Keep your eyes open. You may see something, one day.

sounds good :smiley:

radio lights can look circular, reflections of lights can cast circular lights. I mean, All I’m saying is, you didn’t meet actual aliens who shook your hands that you confirmed with your friend.

But yeah, I’ll keep my eyes open, but I’ll keep my immagination in check.

But yeah, I love the idea of aliens. I hope we meet some someday, that want to just kick back and have a beer with us, not kill us.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed

something was mentioned in another thread about the oddities of platypuses. You ever think they might be here just disguised? It is possible if not probable. Think of earth as a huge petrie dish

I love posts like this. thanks for making my mind happy :smiley:

You are welcome and talk to a flower or two you just never know. Why is it that RedNecks seem to be the ones carried away by aliens and then brought back? Have there ever been any reputable people that were abducted?

aliens like rednecks because they say “ain’t” a lot and it reminds them of their home planet.

UFO’s and the Bible… … iles1.html