Andrew Tate

…I don’t think the ‘dumb b*s’ terminology would go down well in today’s current climes… but otherwise, yea.

BRUH I got ferraris n sheiit and also u dont need dumb bitchs in ur life, be a man cmon make money fuck cunts off ffs.

:slight_smile: :laughing: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Tate-isms 101

Breaking news…


I never heard of this guy before.

I do know what it means to say schools don’t teach.

You’re implying you are school.

Not the sharpest tool in the tool shed.

I’m not going to watch him or look him up.

I teach. I teach people have handicaps. Mental sanitation is a very dangerous idea though.

I know one thing and one thing alone.

My compass doesn’t point north south East west…

It doesn’t travel seas deserts or forests or mountains…

It only points in one direction…

Everyone gets everything they want at the expense of nobody.

Moving through reality with this compass…. Always orients me into whether I’m home.

I’ll give you another teaching.

Death is an illusion.

Hell is not an illusion.

Everything is war here.

Peace is knowing how to stop war.

That requires an incredible amount of thinking.

Do you really think you’ll get away with the delight of watching a cherry blossom when war causes that beauty?

We’re in an impossible situation.

We must rise above.

I’ll teach you something else.

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Transcend it.

Your life is what you do and don’t consent to.

What others do and don’t consent to.

Always point towards mutual consent.

Then the genius begins.

Then life is finally starting to be lived.

Something else to consider.

Demonic possession is for those who have nothing to lose.

It’s really a mentally handicapped lust.

To be the leader of others is a mental illness.

Everytime you hurt them, you’re establishing your leadership.

Hypocrisy is self hatred. It is omnipresent.

Those who know…. War against war.

It is not a mental illness to be better at something than someone else.

I’ll always defer to an expert. That does not make them my king or queen. I don’t expect you to think I’m your king. Not because I can’t do the job, but because how can I call myself king if the consent violation problem isn’t solved for everyone?

People are looking for messiahs. If you want the throne, give everyone the throne. Then you’ll know.

Read my last four messages.
If you knew you could save the universe by plucking an eyeball out…. Yours or others…. You should do it right?

No. Because the universe doesn’t work that way.


Journalist: It was political…


Ec, I think a leader will serve others even if it hurts the leader (in line with self=other), to model mutual self-giving, without expecting reciprocity, and only as far as well-received.

If Tate is that kind of leader (political prisoner like Martin Luther King, Jr), great. Glad he’s been released. Never heard of him.

A leader doesn’t want to be a leader. That’s how they lead. Truth never dies.

When you are a master of yourself. You are the leader.

Water has no discipline, nor does the wind…. It erodes the strong.

Or as mark Twain said it…. Everything in moderation, including moderation.

Does that all make sense together?

People are looking for nurture. They brag when they are nature, but to excel at nature, you need to be nurture(d). People brag about excelling at nature, when the only way they can do it is to be nurtured.

Their arrogance will fall.

Does that make sense?

Yes. We are like bottomless oceans that should esteem self as other (pivot the rock of the dao, unmoved mover) and vice versa, &/or reap the fiery whirlwind.


Valid points!

So, grown women are now considered the vulnerable ones and minors’/children’s welfare and whereabouts is irrelevant.

All crime should be investigated and taken seriously, not just the politically-charged ones. … 20929?s=20

how do you let these podcasters convince you to defend atrocities?

I let them convince me? attack what I said/my argument, if ya wanna know/get to ‘my truths’, or stop responding to me altogether… now give it another shot or f off - I will not be responding to your arguments from your place of personal attacks, further.

Let’s not forget your past and the way you used to treat and talk about women… when did you stop buying them boob jobs and spiking drinks?

Why don’t ‘they’ go after pedophiles and pedophile rings… or do you think it ok to abuse children?

This sounds like a policy suggestion, so let me make sure I understand it:

The Romanian justice system shouldn’t prosecute rapists if they rape adult women, they should only go after people who rape children.

Is that correct? Is that the policy the Romanian justice system would be better off following?

Will the evidence gathered be enough to convict the Tate brothers of the charges gathered against them? …do those doing illicit activities, put themselves in full-sight of the public eye?

Humanise declared the entire spectacle a psy-ops affair… could he be right?

The two females that took to Instagram to support him, have now given evidence against him… rather than be accused of being in collusion with the accused and therefore an accessory to the crime.

What about all those missing and/or abused children… will that be getting investigated , too?

Oh, too. Yes yes, too sounds much more agreeable than “instead of”. I’m sure they can do both.

That would depend on the validity of the charges, and not on me and what I’ve said on a philosophy board… please see my last post for my updated thoughts.

The UK ‘Police and Crime Commission’ are investigating child-related crime rings, and it’s unearthing some very disturbing evidence… but it’s gotta be done too, no?