It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to see the world
as it is… the usual troubles abound… wars,
people very unhappy with the way things are,
and that unhappiness is found within the many
types of escapes that people have… from
addictions, to the captivation of sports…
(I would suggest that the consumption of sports
is more a reflection of the discontentment with the
world than with the sports themselves…the fascination with
sports is simply an attempt to avoid the real world
and I say this as a lifelong sports watcher and participant in
the ‘‘real world’’ is a rather painful thing… both to watch and to
be within… it is, as the Buddha has suggested, full of suffering
and despair… one grows old, gets diseases, watch family
and friends die… the moments of happiness, true happiness
are rare and far in between… but the vast majority of life is
found within the boredom of existence… which has its own
problems… for most of us, we get up, we shower and go to work,
where we spend, most of us anyway, the next 8 hours… we
get home, exhausted and in hopes of forgetting… thus we turn on
television and lose ourselves in mindless sitcoms and, watching
sports…no thinking involved… and for many, we also distract with
drugs and booze… there is a reason why pain pills are so popular…
but think about this… we are so busy trying to distract
ourselves from our unhappy world, that we forget that
we can influence, impact the world… but that takes hard
work and dedication that most people don’t want to try…
but it also requires something else… an idea of what
we want the world to look like… ok, this world sucks,
what should the world look like to suck less… what
would it take to make the world a better place?
the conservatives, the right has stated, publicly,
that it is liberals and their ''WOKE"" that has created the
world’s problems… and several has called for the deaths
of liberals… or at the very least, prison for them…
and liberals just want conservatives to tone down
their extremism…and both sides fail because there
is no sense of what we should be aiming for… what should
the world look like? what are we actually working for?
One could say, we should have less war… OK, but
how? what can we do, exactly do, that will reduce
war in the world today?
the fact is that wars have been around as long as there
have been human beings…are wars inherent within
human beings? One might say that violence is
inherited within human beings, but that attitude
allows us to escape responsibility for our actions…
if we are unable to control our instincts, and violence
is an instinct, then we are nothing more than animals…
operating on instincts with no control over those instincts…
that is a working definition of animals… creatures
that have no control over their instincts… and if
we have no control over our instincts, then we are nothing
better than animals… but the path to becoming human is
nothing more than the path to overcoming our instincts…
the journey to becoming human is simply the journey
is to act without instinct… the further away from instinct
we get, the more human we become… given
the amount of violence and war in the world today,
we are locked into instinct… thus locked into being
animal… the path to becoming human begins with
the rejection of violence and war… and it is the
peacemakers that are the most human… Gandhi
and MLK are two examples of people who have rejected
animal instincts and have made peace the primary goal
of being human… which is to say, they have further
the path of becoming human… and we build statues
and name streets after them… as we should…for
they have pointed the path to a world that we want
to have… every single act of violence, be it from the
state or the individual, is an act of instinct, of being
animal… and we must reject that act of violence,
no matter who the actor is, the state or the individual…
thus, the glorification of war, the glorification of sacrifice
that is popular in America today, must be rejected…
Wartime presidents are not to be given glory,
but attacked for not making peace the highest priority…
but Kropotkin, we must be able to defend ourselves,
both collectively, the state and individually…
the justification to defending oneself, allows us
to practice much violence onto others… the justification
of defending ourselves after 9/11, brought us to two
completely unnecessary and idiotic wars that only
brought benefits to the American military-industrial complex…
no one else benefited from those two wars…
just as the Vietnam War didn’t bring any benefits to
anyone outside of the military-industrial complex…
or can you or anyone for that matter, offer up a
defense of the Vietnam War and its benefits to
America, for example? Over 55,000 thousand Americans
died in Vietnam war and for what? You tell me…
and what benefits did Americans get from either the Iraqi
or the Afghanistan war of 2001?
Wars and violence are just two aspects of being animals,
not being human… this question of needs and wants
and desires play a role in this… which is our next post…