Hello I dropped into the creative writing section because I’m trying to develop my own writing abilties, plus I am desperate for some interaction. Forgive me if the poem goes above my head.
Are you referring to the silence, the emptiness?
And is this the pulse you are referring to? The throbbing which often puts me to sleep at night and greets me in the morning?
Just trying to get my bearings so I can interpret what you intended to some extent. I don’t want to be way off and appear foolish.
i’m glad you are asking me these questions. this is what the forum is for: discussion, discovery, etc. this is a philosophy site though…and so i find refuge for what are largely philosophical poems.
the passage you selected to me describes the isolated person asking the “big why” to “allness”, “anyone”, “themselves”, “god”, “philosophers”, etc.
the big y. Y
is like being in the cave. plato’s cave…listening…awaiting some sound. some sign, some sort of communication that gives an answer to Y.
then: the gentle hum has been harmonizing always
section is about how the answer is always there. its that we in our caves so we forget how to see…but we have eyes.
i’m mixing my sensual metaphors here, forgive me.
this is also a reference to a philosopher named martin buber. in his book
between man and man
he begins with a story about a dream he had where he had about “a call” that encompasses all time.
i guess this line is my way of saying that there is a harmony to life amidst the chaos we have to deal with.
so thanks again and you should submit some work yourself if you’ve got it.
The big Y…The cave represent a perception of reality that is incomplete right? You experience reality through the shadows, which are expressions of reality.
Answering the Y stems from an incomplete state, no? And that is why we are looking for the wholeness. We feel incomplete, unfulfilled, unrest, not at peace. There is a longing to escape the suffering.
Would you agree that identity is the crux of the problem? Identity is relative, impermanent, existing on conditional factors. It is cause and effect, which we try to trace back, but it only goes in circles. The only way to become fulfilled, or whole, is as you say, wholeness. I always like to use the word oneness. You transcend cause and effect, form, and the quest for identity dissolves along with identity when you go beyond the relative or finite. Is this how you see it? By transcending space and time you remove the question why, as well as the hole inside which compells us to need to fill it. It is to escape suffering, and the sufferer. I would say that when a person finds this oneness they become an agent of harmony. Harmony flows from their expression of will because their identity encompasses the all. So, in acting on their behalf, they also act on behalf of others, the whole. When we are in bondage, viewing life from the self centered perspective of relative identity, only disharmony will come from that expression, because the will is acting on what it believes is its own behalf, which is almost always in conflict with the momentum of the whole, as it percieves it as something seperate from it self. Though our bodies have no beginning or end, no barriers to suggest seperation, identity create seperation in its perception by relying on beliefs which are created soley on what the mind and sense directly.
The state of oneness represents harmony, and chaos is the reflection of it. Eternity or being, or awareness and will are expressed in form as the coming together. Our oneness in the physical represents our oneness in essence. And chaos is also an expression of oneness, and is needed for the physical expression we experience in the universe of form. Without chaos, one could not experience becoming one, because first you must have the many/disharmony/chaos so that it may flow into its opposite. Otherwise being may not ever connect that trend of oneness, of coming together, of unifying, to their eternal, whole essence.
Any thoughts on this?
Hears a poem I posted recently but never got a reply. Thank you so much for your interest. It is most appriciated. Well, here it is. Nice chattin with ya. Peace.
Our spirits rest in acquiescence
can’t you hear it, silent pleasance
when your near it, ‘your breathless’
the cradle, unbroken awareness
I am, without a second
we are, infinite blessings
physical presence
is that present
which represents
wow kyman. i really appreciate your thoughts. you’ve got some great insights. is this really about identity you ask…
it might very well be. i had not thought of that but i think you right.
the isolated “self” is sort of an illusion. perhaps thats the gentle hum always harmonizing part is the shattering of that illusion at times.
where were you when i took creative writing classes in past?
I know I just quoted a huge chunk of you, but i really like what you’ve said here. i think you are right on the ball.
i’ve got a question about your poem:
why did you quote these two words?
is it because there is the “conventional” use of this phrase and your (possibly) literal intention with being without breath? as in…not living? a sort of play on words you’re emphasizing?
You rock! I’m sure your aware how rare it is to actually get a thoughtful response on such matters. It truly is a precious thing to have another who boots a similar belief system. When that occurs, relationship sets in automatically. This is because there is no learning who the other is. Cuz the other is already like you That is the automatic common ground which instantly makes me love even a stranger. Its cuz I know they are gentle. I know there is something not divine is some call, but the better and synomous word being natural.
I did make a play with those words for a few reasons. One is that in my experience with meditation, as you take your awareness inward, a point comes when the body lowers its pules and breathrate. It doesn’t stop for me but calms. When I am out of my mind identified consciousness, and focused on the timeless eternal consciousness, you breath less. When your connected or ‘near’ being, which is formless, you are near something quite, silent, still. If one listens to themselves their is always silence. Things arise in silence/consciousness and they fall.
Did you mention about not being living because you also believe that we are not alive? We are, but we are neither living nor dead. Those are relative terms which do not have bearing on awareness and will, which is eternal. Our awareness is the same as it ever was, made different only by the lens of this relative mind/personality. We are not just the body. It give shape to our awareness/will, personality, representation, interacation. But it is never born into form. It stays formless, and so never changes. I honor this part of myself and thus do not consider myself to be alive. Simply experiencing this spacetime within my eternal existence. This has removed my fear of death. I recommend all to explore this notion. I still fear being hurt for survival reasons, but no psychological pain/fear, which results because of belief out of harmony with the reality of awareness/will.
I look forward to your response my friend. Peace/love.