Anti Fouling

The launching of a pristine shiny new boat, smelling of glue and paint. An offering to the sea. A pure soul of unblemished perfection enters an enviroment where it will live out it’s useful life. By design and construction it’s elements blend and compliment the world of water. The ultimate in technology and care. Designed for it’s marriage with the sea.

Not unlike a human birth, the pure unspoiled perfection of a child entering it’s new envioment. Both the boat and the child begin life untarnished. The ineraction of life in the social community and the ship in the ocean are not dissimilar. Both atract to themselves a coating of outer growth and blemishes, what once was perfection. The boat it’s barnicles and weed. THe human it’s false personality and baggage.

Cleverly man has desiged technology to periodically clean the boat of it’s scaly barnacles and re-launch in near new condition. But the notion of shrugging off the aquired outer shell and re-releasing the pure unspoiled spirit that was there at birth, does not enter the area of human concious thought.

Life continues accumulating habits and practises that diminish human spirituality and dignity.

Kevin Taylor Nov.02