anti-religious obscenities....

Well…these commonly start with something like, “According to (entire group)” and the follows a sub-sectioned description held by some, but not all, of the preceding group.

That’s what I meant.

I meant…yeah…there are Dogmatic forms of any religion that don’t make sense…but why is that then the defined category for the entire group?

Religion is what you make it; fuck all anyone else.

Actually Stumpy… you might have heard of a little thing called orginized religion? that’s when religious people orginize their religion and religion becomes a group phenomena… like politics.

And it can be criticised… like politics.



Oh of course, but that was my point…
Why concentrate on organized religious idiocy.

Large masses of people together make really stupid assertions regardless of what reason they are pulled together.

I guess I just like taking dogma on paper, shredding the crap out of it and doing my own work.
So I don’t see a reason to harp on the dogma itself because it’s obviously going to be loony; haven’t read one that wasn’t; nor a political agenda.

But the moment that dogma is used for some outside agenda beyond the bounds of religion; I’m right there with you and ready to snap necks by pointing out flaws right and left.

BACK you crazy snake! Stay in the weeds!

Oh I don’t know… I’ve seen a few science conventions without anyone making any stupid assertions.

But I think you’re missing what I was trying to point out… You can criticise an orginization without singeling out any individual member. I can even criticise the practice of religion in general… If someone is not affected by my criticism because they don’t belong to the orginization or don’t subscribe to anything I was critical of, cool, than we have no problem…

Good point.

And on that note, I’ll just add a simple: “yep” to all of the above (more or less).

Anti-religious obscenity #5

One aspect of religion is that of abstinence and purity. Do not engage in the ways of the enemy, nor seek to understand them.

This explains why people easily accept God, because they are forbidden from knowing anything better.

Criticism first requires experience.

God took a big suck on me and said, “Now that’s some good shit.”

(Or does mine count as a religious obcenity?)

This next one will come in the form of an internal dialogue

Anti-religious obscenity #6

“God messed up by putting humans alone on earth”

“God didn’t mess up, humans messed up”

“God Created us imperfectly, he knew we would mess up”

“Humans ate the forbidden fruit, that was their own fault and everything since”

“God put the tree in the middle of the garden and let the snake in, God must have known what would happen”

“It’s Gods garden, you should be thankful that god created you, you can’t expect him to go out of his way to make your life perfect, he’s already given you life and set you in your way, it’s up to you to make a life for yourself”

“So God created us for some unknown reason and set us on our jolly good way toward global suffering and failure and now has the right to step back and say: “You pussies are on your own”?”

Now… Let us pray…

God, apparently, locked us in a big cage called paradise with the most tempting thing in the world which we werent allowed to touch with… get this… his arch-enemy. WTF did God expect the outcome to be? Talk about predestination… :wink:

“I know Jesus loves me… because he swallows”