anxiety and power

i have recently found myself to be overwhelmed with anxiety. anxiety about my future, my happiness, my relationships, etc. anxiety is really just a fear of the unknown, a fear of what’s to come, and feeling of lacking control. i am doing well for myself in many regards and i often find myself comparing my status to other people’s in an attempt to calm that feeling. “oh, i am doing better than this person and they seem to be happy; so should i.” so far this is a failed attempt to quiet my fears.
most people’s response to anxiety is to talk to their friends, partners, families, etc. i am often the person that these people rely on to let go of their fears and anxiety or to ask advice on how to resolve their problems. people come to me because i look from the outside to have it all worked out. this gives me power and respect in some strange way. i like being this person, but i struggle with it from the opposite end. i don’t have anyone to release to. actually i have plenty of people to release to but am afraid to. i like everyone thinking i have my shit perfectly together. how does everyone else handle times of anxiety? and why the hell am i so afraid of laying my fears to rest?

Just ignore those feelings. You’re a smart guy, and fear is a part of being human. Chances are the people who come to you are right. You’ll probably be just fine. I’ve found that setting short term goals which lead up to larger long term goals is a good thing. Think of your life as a small business. Be a good business owner. Make the right economic choices. Life is easy.

so if i get you right, you’re saying don’t ever let anyone in on my fears, insecurities, etc.? work out my anxiety on my own by planning, setting goals and such. a simple but great answer. i guess, i already do these things to an extent but haven’t been keeping up. philosophically, why would you deter from other methods? why is it that you don’t want to let your insecurities out to other people? what is the risk? what do you lose in doing so?

question #2. as for a spouse or long term girlfriend/boyfriend, do most people give up their insecurities to their significant other? or do you protect them from these in order to provide a sense of security?

It’s not that you don’t want others to know, it’s that if everyone comes to you with thier problems, then you get to hone your problem solving skills, while at the same time realizing that these emotions are not unique to you. It’s good to relate to people.

I’d say with the significant other, it depends on how significant they are. If you’ve been together happily for a long time and the relationship isn’t a superficial one, then you might let the cat out of the bag a little. Make sure that you’re not burdening a girl with too much baggage, but as a philosopher type, you’ve probably got a good meter for those things. If you absolutley must get some certain thing off your chest, and your significant other takes the information badly, or doesn’t empathize, then you might consider getting a new one.

You seem like a pretty smart guy. Problem is that everyone is human, and it sucks to be human sometimes. When I’m broke and down, I feel motivated and hungry. When I’m doing well, I feel anxious about my ability to maintain it. Life is just ups and downs. Try to enjoy the ride. If you can’t, then try to look like you are. That way other people don’t start looking to you, the go to guy for problems, and feeling helpless and lost themselves. Helping others is rewarding.

Thanks bro. That’s exactly what I needed to hear.

Actually when sometimes the “Loneliness” strikes the homosapiens, they tend to feel over poured with his/her own emotions.
Fear is a major emotion that comes packed up in the emotion engine inside us.
So these feelings are genuine and try doing some strees releasing activities to calm these feelings down.