anyone heard of any experiances they must do before they ca

I have heard parenting one’s own offspring and war are two experiences that trump many other experiances in life. has anyone heard or care to suggest experiences, things to do, see, ect. before one can’t. If this thread already existes please redirect me to it. thank you.

Please rewrite that, it makes little sense.

it may be a matter of opinion but what are some ‘things’ one ‘should’ do, experiance, see, ect. before they die. I have been told that one should experiance war (fighting in a war of such) and having children. This thread might exist, if so please redirect me. If not feel free to comment.

I’ve been in a war, but have had no children.

I do not recommend being in a war just for the experience. If you were there fighting for something you really cared about that could be good, but if you’re killing people or risking your life and aren’t that interested, you’re just hurting yourself.

My suggestion is that you try to get to know the greatest number of people possible to have a full life. When you know others you’ve lived a bit of their life and added there’s to yours.


I too have experienced war and I don’t suggest it. I do, however, think everyone must experience a life or death situation during their life. (ideally while they are still young) When you are presented with a situation in which you think you are going to die, and you make it out alive, it gives you a whole new outlook on life. You will find yourself thinking differently about religion, your family, and your values. Im not saying go to the bronx and flash the west side sign, (however I’m sure that would work) but a little risk is always invigorating.

I would like to thank everyone for their time and feedback, and it is appreciated. additional feedback is welcomed.

I will second “heroin”. You nebbah bin so hi as dat. It may also satisfy your cousin’s suggestion to do something life-threatening.

I would also suggest having sex while hanging upside-down from a window, wrapped in bedsheets. It’s exhilarating. It helps if you are proficient in knot-tying. I would also suggest you do this in (or outside of) a wood-sided building. Masonry facades are not recommended.

A threesome with two Victoria’s Secret models would probably be a much better experience than going to war.

no masonary facades, … got it.

But wouldn’t a masonary facade cover the near death experience thing, or was it the knot tying part?

Now I know what the term ‘tying the knot’ means. Again, thanks, faust, for this learning experience.


I’m gonna say travel. Not for work or anything like that. Travel for leisure and really enjoy yourself.

you would suggest traveling with someone else or a lone?

I’m suprised nobody brought up sex.

“I would also suggest having sex while hanging upside-down from a window, wrapped in bedsheets. It’s exhilarating. It helps if you are proficient in knot-tying. I would also suggest you do this in (or outside of) a wood-sided building. Masonry facades are not recommended.” - faust

I believe faust did. However, I do not know if I will be able to experiance this unless I substitute sex for masterbation. but I will give it time.

  1. Own a fast car.
    EDIT: and/or motorcycle.

  2. Smoke crack/ice.

  3. Read Nietzsche.

Try both.

oh to snowboard down the Himalayan mountains: which can only be reached by helicopter… I am at one with my board / my board is my best friend :slight_smile:

I don’t do drugs, but used to smoke weed back in the day / I don’t have much sex, but prefer having a steady, or failing that: total celibacy :sunglasses:

been in fast cars: racing down Park Lane / over London bridge / being driven around South Ken and Notting Hill in a brand new Porsch :smiley:

partying at a celebrity after-party is pretty good / the atmosphere is electric / better than any drug, I’m sure :wink:

You know, drugs can be pretty damn good. Smoking ice accounts for 9 of the 10 best times of my life. The 10th was just alcohol.

I am glad for you, but all my best experiences have been had on a natural high :smiley: and will continue to be so - I recommend you give it a try :wink: