Well, Jack White says the number 3 has significance. He uses three colors black, white, and red for his art. Then, in his music he uses drums, guitar, and vocals - three sounds. Dylan says that a song has to have an odd number in some way to be good. Even numbered songs don’t sound good.
What’s the numerological explanation of that? Are they right or are they misinterpreting the use of numerology?
Maybe these guys are intuiting numerology in their art. I think that each individual has their own symbolism for their creations. While each of these individuals may not be able to give you a satisfactory reason as to why they use 3 colours or sounds or components, they know that three works, they know because they they are intuitive with their creations. But numbers do carry certain vibrations. For example, the number 9 is masculine, it represents man and mankind. It’s a strong number, a complete number. There is no other number that stands alone that is higher than 9. 9 is the highest number and therefore carries a certain respect, a sacredness. And 9 is amazing too. 9+9=18, 1+8=9, 9x9=81, 8+1=9, it’s special in that it always returns to itself. It’s strong. Invert it for a second. What do you get? 6. 6 is mysterious, it carries a feminine vibration, it’s dark, it represents the earth, it is the number of woman. Look at the number 69 for example. It has perfect symetry. Male and female in harmony. 6+9=15, 1+5=6. Take 3. 3 fits into both 6 and 9, twice or three times. 9(male) and 6(female) effortlessly fits 3(child) into them. 3 is a creative number. People who have had 33 vibrations have alwasy been very creative people.
All of this is open to interpretation and feeling. The universe, from a certain perspective, from a geometrical perspective is made up of numbers. It is pure science. Mathematics is an exciting thing and when mathematics is taken to the level of the sacred, as in sacred geometry for example, it is a beautiful thing. Everything in our world fits together in perfect numbers. Everything can be seen through the perspective of numbers. Our universe is not black and white, it is multi faceted and multi dimensional and can be explained through the use of numbers. To say that I am a certain way because I vibrate in alignment with a certain number is not strictly true. There are countless influences which form an individual.
As for the 3, I sense it is more than random. It is creative. First there is 1, the beginning, then two, a duality, and then three, a creation. It is a perspective, but when applied to myriad things in the world it begins to make sense on many levels. Take for example the Holy trinity. What is it really? From a perspective of numbers it’s quite beautiful. First there is 1, representing absolute. Then 2, representing the realm of duality, then 3, representing the realm of physical. When all three are together, there is something. Mind, body and soul. Call it a human being.
Well the images you see on your screen are created with numbers. So with computers, numbers are the starting point, not the colours.
I don’t know if numbers create colours in the natural world, but certainly colours carry certain vibrations.
I saw an amazing thing once with a friend who was very angry. She walked into the room ranting and raving and went straight to her bedroom and changed into a red t-shirt. Also people with red cars tend to drive more aggressively and have more accidents.
Surely the desire to absorb one’s own particular meaning from these images is the starting point?
Or could it be the desire to put forth some speculative meaning via the submission of images?
Or where these intentions become twixt.
But indeed the computer was first necessarily created via a re-iterative process of conjecture, design, development and realisation, to assessment and comparison before beginning to conjecture anew.
Were these intentions necessarily dependent upon numbers?
Perhaps a certain appreciation of numbers is necessary in the mind of someone who would go through this inventive process ~ one might train one’s mind with numbers, to wander dreamily into the abstraction in thrall of patterns slow reveal… which some of course interpret as Intelligent Design. Unfortunately
Words have a certain appearance. Numerology symbolises that appearance by numbers. It gives three numbers to every word: (1) the persona or personality of the word, which is its “outward appearance”: the following may illustrate this; (2) the soul of the word, made up of its vowels. The consonants are the more solid, “material” parts of the word, whereas the vowels are its more fluid parts. These two numbers combined make (3) the Self, the totality of the word.
I have often “recognised” a word numerologically, so that when I calculated it it had a combination of persona, soul, and total numbers that I had often come across and that “meant” something to me. Perhaps this illustrates how quickly - almost instantaneously, really - my unconscious can perform simple calculations. In any case, I agree with you that reading a person’s character, not to mention his future from the numbers in his name is “hooey”; on the other hand, name numerology may give a person a number, or numbers, which have great symbological value to him. The formula 7 + 7 = 5, for instance, have had a crucial effect on me at times: the same crucial effect contemplation of any other symbol of the Self, for instance the child archetype, may have on one. And it follows the archetypal formula of the Holy Guardian Angel: meditation on the 7 made me be transfigured, so that I could identify with the 5. Likewise, meditation on the Christ amounts to the beatific vision, union with God. I am not necessarily talking about Jesus.