
Love transcends survival to thrive at all costs, in full acknowledgment that self both is, and is not, other.

You. are. evile. And you must be destroyed.

Love is how social species experience belonging to a group, and as such being unloved is social ostracization - resulting in certain death.
This transference of identity reaches its apex in humans where identity is outsources to an abstraction - sometimes named ‘god’, or ‘humanity’ - experiencing universal belonging as a relief from the need/suffering of individuation.

Survival-based “love” is a mere aggregate.

Love is always comforting because whether you are attracted to that which reminds you of yourself or to that which compensates for what you lack, the end result is an escape from oneself into otherness; experienced as an empowering expansion of identity.
It is why gangs are so attractive to young males, and why females can never challenge conventional beliefs and authorities.

Do I look like sandpaper to you? Do it yourself.

The mystification of love offers the same advantages as the mystification of any concept.
It places it beyond reproach.
It “purifies” the concept, by disconnecting it from a world the individual abhors.

It concepts it to a Platonic ideal…possessing everything the experience world lacks; open to any subjective interpretation, having been liberated from the experienced world.

It becomes a magical word, triggering all kinds of emotions, imagery, sensation, hopes, desires…
The tool of charlatans the world over.

My perspective on love and friendship is that people use them as status symbols.

“I’m loved” “bff forever”

I don’t have love or friends.

I have truth incarnate walking on earth.

When I see people going to hell, and it’s all happening at once, I get annoyed that I have to protect them:

A human would call that love. No. It’s just in my best interest

Love is often mistaken for lust - the mate that must become the mother/father, through a child.
lovers/child (synthesis)/parents
Greeks had three different terms to differentiate the three types of love - eros, agape, phylia - corresponding to the three physical parts of man: body/nervous system/brain; and man’s three psyche parts
Reason/Will/Passion…also corresponding to Past/present/Future.
The Greeks knew genes/ to memes…as they understood that mental intercourse followed the same rules as physical intercourse and bore the same results.

To this day modern Americanised imbeciles have mistaken this differentiation as pederasty or homosexuality.
Some intentionally use misinterpretations to soil the memory of a culture they cannot match.
Progressives, especially, cannot stomach the idea of a past superior to an imminent future. The future, for them, must remain pristine and always better than the past.
Having lost faith in Paradise lost, they’ve substituted it with an eternally imminent Utopia.

No. To use your terms. Love is reciprocated lust.

Do you realize how weird it is for me to be incarnated

The more my body falls apart, the sharper my mind becomes.

This body is just a vessel for my soul.

And my soul is everything you think, know or see.

To all of us, we’re just bags of flesh and bones.

I made a choice to hold the entire cosmos in my heart.

That’s my valentines gift to you.

Past victors future vanquished
Victors presents themselves to the vanquished as a vice forgotten and left behind; the vanquished present themselves to the victors as a virtue recalled and returned.

Parasitism requires Euphoria, Love, Lust, in order to infiltrate new Hosts.
This is why it is central to the religious minded of both the Right and Left.
Both right and left use the same strategy, of “loving you”, to lower your defenses.
Both are founded on herd-psychology, all-inclusivity, to “invite” all into their religion.

This is why they need to destroy ‘Agape’ and ‘Philia’, conflating all as “forms of God’s Love”.
Monotheistic: One “Love” Only, no nuance, no degree, only Absolute.

Erotic Love is the drug…

Social lubricant.

Have you seen what animals can do when they enter their seasonal rut?
With manimals this can last the entire year…
Madness striking one day and ending months later…when a crash occurs.
But addicts jump back off the wagon…

That explains the drug epidemic in the West… all the un-invested males and societal parasites need the dopamine hits of meth, fentynal, opiods, etc. since they are failing in their seasonal mating rituals. Likewise, look at “Western women” as Onlyfans, tiktokers, whatever the sluts are doing these days…

Men replace failure to reproduce and invest in kin, with drug addiction.

Eros was supposed to deal with Schopenhauer’s pessimism…
It had happened before when Eros was promoted from god to primordial god…replacing the more pessimistic Ananke.

Force of will does not suffice…the mediocre masses need lies…need an intoxicant.

Drug use is a symptom of the same.
The world is either too much suffering to handle, or not enough to justify all the suffering.

When there’s no continuity, individuals lose their place in the continuity - connecting past with future - they need something to replace it in the present… something intoxicating.

Self-Awareness, Self-Reflection, Self-Consciousness all trigger a human’s mammalian fear instinct as an existential threat.
Because the more one learns about Himself, the more one learns about his own fragile Mortality and eventual Demise.

Those who lack Courage, will eventually self-diagnose that this compunction “to think”, “to know”, “to become aware”,
As a debilitating mental disease or schizophrenic break, that one’s own Self-Monologue is Not Oneself at all, but is “Another’s”.

This leads to the inevitable creation of mass religion (Psychosis) as an outlet for this Nihilistic inner-monologue.
Those who remain secular or atheist, turn to drug addictions and/or paraphilia as their preferred means to inebriate their Thoughts.

I drink to stop sending the whole universe to hell.are you going to stop me? Didn’t think so.

Everyone is different.

There’s some point to this.

The drinking is a kind of external force, external monologue in the sense that it’s a narrative, though non verbal, brought in to replace the inner one.

Because all thoughts are thought to be external, it’s seen as mixing and matching. But the sober thoughts are one’s, and the key is to assert control over them. They have to first be seen as one’s. Then some work needs doing because all the disorder created by neglecting them with the booze. But it’s good work, fun work, a monk’s work. The pain also decreases with time, as the soul is at first too sensitive to any pain at all from the anesthetic experience of constant drunkenness. But the recalibration does happen, and the pain becomes bearable. Combined with control over one’s thoughts, life becomes something of a joy.

If you’re smart, that is. If not your thoughts will never be any fun. But Ec is smart, which we know because of his insights with math.

Sending the universe to hell is what you wish you could do as a response to the pain. But you don’t actually have that power. So you can begin the process in the calm knowledge that the universe will not be destroyed.

Don’t do it in one go though. You can actually lose your mind or even die from alcohol withdrawal. Scale back. The only thing that is important is that one week’s dose be lower than the previous one’s.

Train yourself to withstand the pain for as long as you can, like holding your breath. Then drink a little. Always scaling back.

As you do this, listen to the thoughts and claim them as your own.

It’s about control, Ec.

Always keep in mind that the pain is that great in large amount due to how long your body has been accustomed to anesthecization. It does decrease, that pain is not natural.

The problems you have that cause the actual natural pain are manageable.

Take it easy at first though. At first it’s about acclimatization. Take it very easy. Eat many sugar and watch movies.

Only claim the thoughts you have good data and reasoning to agree with. Refute the rest.