
Bro in all seriousness and joking aside, you really need to talk to someone about your feces obsession.

Are you upset?
You seem upset.

Flowers & fertilizer. You wanna grow. I can feel it.

I’m not upset at all, in fact I’m on my fourth Irish coffee of the morning and have been engaged in active debates for the last 5 hours (off ILP) and I am feeling great. Sparring with you is just a bit of fun before I start my day.

On another note, you could actually respond to some of the content of what I am posting to you in the various threads. This isn’t all insults after all.

I plant seeds…and let others fertilize and water them for me.

You are upset…you keep following me from thread to thread…
Why are you so angry?
Is it because I exposed your idiocy?

Hmm, I never seriously considered that you might actually be autistic. Now I see it.

Sorry for the previous peak autism jokes. I didn’t mean to offend you.

I’m concerned about your mental health.
You seem angry…and obsessive.

Naw, you’re just lying more to cover up your autistic failures, laziness and blatant coping. And you have no reason to worry about my mental health, my mind is perfect, a diamond. I appreciate your feigned concern though :laughing:

Always feign mediocrity among the mediocre, if you wish to evade their wrath.
Always feign illness among the sick, if you wish to evade their envy.
Always feign poverty among the impoverished, if you wish to evade their vengeance.

If Man has no Fear,
Then he pulls one from the Void: Ex Nihilo.


I understood it…the simpleton did not…ergo it is meaningless for the majority.
How do the manimals put it…“word salad”…or “up in the clouds” hanging from “skyhooks.”

You’ve got a mountain of Aphorisms under belt; I’m still stacking pebbles.

Never lower yourself to the manimals.

To Read is to Remember,
Runes, Symbols, Signs, Shapes,
Of people places things long forgotten.

A picture is worth a thousand words,
But a single ‘L’etter is also a picture.

Given enough time,
A slave in chains,
Will become proud of his slavery.

Humanity should remember that the ‘good’ slaves were allowed to reproduce.

Even among the slaves and victims of the world’s brutality, arises a hierarchy - establishing slaves dominating and brutalizing each other when they feel safe enough.
To maintain innocence a proxy is found to outsource the blame - for some it is god, for others…money. In the latter capitalists and communists find themselves on opposite side of the same coin of commerce.

For Christians Jesus is their scapegoat - to bear the burden; for Jews it is their dualistic god, who has chosen them to represent it - they bear the burden; for the Muslims it is Allah, remaining true to their Semitic heritage.

Mark of mediocrity: when they cannot challenge a threatening idea, they attempt to discredit the individual who exposed them to it.
When the message cannot be discredited, they attempt to discredit the messenger…so simple they are that they do not understand how the message, if it is true, does not require the messenger to remain true.
Their error is based on their own convictions.