Are all beliefs built upon propositions...

or built upon a belief that is a proposition or built upon a belief that is built upon a belief that is a proposition?

If so, how can we be sure any of our beliefs are true?

my guess is we can’t… but what do I know? :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s turtles all the way down.

I think some beliefs are based on propositions, some on assumptions, and some on nothing very good at all.

Whatever our beliefs are built upon, how can we be sure that any of them are true? Which brings up all kinds of interesting questions about whether or not there is such thing as truth, and whether or not it matters if what we believe is true or not.


if the very core of thought is wrong, then all beliefs will be half truths.

Yet, Jesus said that faith without works is ignorance. You either have to work on how you go about your faith, or change your faith. Yet, then this means we use the healing spirit to heal our own spirit,… and thus name the spirit by it’s actions.