are americans too jaded?

do we even give a shit that our government is running a muck? i mean the longest it can go on is 8 years or so, and i always find myself thinnking meh… its just a little while longer. meanwhile on the other side of the world were at war.

the iranian president sent a letter to the american public telling us to pull out as if we had any say in government but… regardless do we even care? not your political views but do you even care enough about your political views to get them put into effect?

why the hell do you think the iranian president wants us to pull out? and do the democRATS always do whatever the president of iran commands? I guess it worked for carter…

do you really want to help iran destroy israel?


I can’t help but find it ironic that one who regularly post comments such as, “Get a gun,” whenever people express their dislike of something, and seems to uncritically accept the war-mongering of the right, would seem to take exception to the idea of another country destroying a third.

Shouldn’t Iran be entitled to, “get a gun,” as well? Shouldn’t they be allowed to indulge their war-mongering ways as well?

i dont care either way about the nation of israel personally but im not really interested in talking politics.

isnt the huge population of palestinians not allowed to vote in israel?

it doesnt matter though. its not the point.

yes, they should. and israel is completely justified when tehran glows in the dark (as well as damascus, mecca, beirut and maybe a few other cities)

iran is perfectly within its rights to try to get a nuke, and they have been trying for decades now. but we are perfectly within our rights to stop them. and israel even more so because iran has directly threaten israel. but why would a liberal democRAT come to the defence of an ALLY?


the huge population of canadians are not allowed to vote in mexico either. they have their own country in which they can elect terrorists.


i meant muslims. sorry. i remember hearing something about how theyre being exluded because of the desire for a strictly jewish state or some shit.

im sure you would admit that no one is ever in the right though so either way… it doesnt matter right?

Imp, where are you getting your facts?

I know this isn’t a geography or history forum, but if you are founding your philosophy on matters of geography you must be certain of their verity. To equate the relationship between Mexico and Canada with Palestine and Israel.

I think the unicorns should be able to vote in the dragon elections. the high priest Zagamorf has deemed it fair and right. I just hope Xuniiva gets elected; I agree with his stance on the universe bridge.

Philosophy not moored to plainly observable facts may be fun, but that’s where its benefits end.

It does matter, Jihad + Nukes = Bad Idea!

Bush wants people to wake up about the terrorism threats and issues, but meanwhile, the anarchist liberals are waving flags about “Bush kills babies in Iraq”, etc., completely not giving a SHIT about how many babies Sadam Husane killed in Kiwait.

It’s not as simple as Bush=murderer therefore Saddam=angel. Please find me an “anarchist liberal” who holds that position. Bush does kill babies in Iraq. Saddam has killed plenty of Iraqis (though, if I had to guess, I’d put the number below the ones Washington has killed. I won’t get into it though).

great. let the unicorns vote for the palestinians as well


International law demands that right of return be offered to refugees (UN resolution 194 in this case). Palestinian refugees (totalling 4 million or so), according to international law, should be allowed to return to their homes in Israel proper. They would vote in Israel.

too bad international law doesn’t hold sway in the soverign nation of israel (or america or any other nation) for that matter.

citizen of the un? nope…


i care. but what are you gonna do? vote democrat? john adams said the thing he fears most is if two extremely powerful parties take full control. theyre all controlled by corporations, they all apparently suck ass at saving lives and preventing terrorism, probably because they dont want either of those things enough to commit the neccesary resources that they would rather spend on “strengthening the economy.”

im cynical because its over. the government hasnt done jack in my whole lifetime. ill still vote for barak and mccain (yeah a republican wow! imagine that) and anyone else who demands massive changes in the government, but im still gonna predict that they fail for decades to come. because everyone says they want the government to change and they hate the structure and how the corporations control it. but then fuckface shows up talking about banning gay people and some mysterious rumor about illegitimate black children, and the retards fall right in line. and then howard dean says one fucking “yeeha” to a bunch of off-camera college kids screaming much more insanely than he is and every motherfucker on tv makes fun of him for the next 3 months, without saying fuck SHIT about a god damn thing that matters!!

“if it matters so much then the voters would have gone out and educated themselves” - idiots who support the idiot who won. wrong, not good enough.

if only there were some objective intelligence requirements for voters or the information presented to them, the world would be instantly healed of all problems forever. i swear i really believe this.

the guy who invented the term zionism said they should do it in argentina, since palestine already had people living in it. but he didnt have many guns.

thats what i mean though. you care but its like… god damnit this isnt working.

i mean im sure im not the only one that thinks hey an elections coming up maybe something new will happen and is constantly disapointed. like maybe well be able to figure out a way to coherently deal with problems or something. but it never works.

i feel like im watching rome be run by nero. whether you agree with bush or not public global opinion of our country is falling. and 100 years down the line historians are going to be like… this is where it all went wrong. voting bad leader after bad leader into office cant be good for politics.

its like were running on borrowed time that was left over from our “superpoewr” status after ww2.

yea but killing babies to get the masses attention is probably bad propaganda dont you think?

i know what youre saying… then the cons/libs get into this debate over the pros and cons of this specific conflict instead of looking at the administration or whatever. we never actually really debate anything of importance and instead get stuck on the whole… youre too soft youre too hard ive got a bigger penis discussion.

and regardless of whether i believe bush to kill babies or not… is this the only way they could figure to do things? i dont know about you but when i want someone to stop threatening me i dont go alone into the persons house and try to control everything the person and his/her family does. no matter how big and scary i am i only have 2 hands. not that thats an accurate comparison but you know what i mean.

Imps a historian right? how long do occupations last?

that depends on the location… the occupation of the americas has lasted about 514 years…


i think all we need is to elect a president who hasnt been corrupted, and it will all change. clinton actually seems to have done a lot to increase the transparency of the governments actions. he didnt really do stuff that i would personally approve of (except blowjobs, hell yes), but he let everyone know about it to a larger extent than bush senior did.

i really think this is the only thing we need to do to prevent a preventable downfall, coupled with a decent media which wasnt quite present under clinton. my problem is that dubya very obviously destroyed all of this most important trend, and nobody except for left wing crazies that get less respect than rush limbaugh are demanding his immediate imprisonment.

no its called mutual assured destruction, and it means nobody uses nukes except to get credibility and prevent an invasion. they probably just want tactical nukes to blow up invading forces. i know they do suicide bomb, but they do that to help their country. suicide bombing the entire country is self defeating. and dont tell me they are completely irrational and amadijad says crazy things. theyre humans not retards.

yeah you forgot to say “kill some of the family members, shut off their utilities, fail to prevent a bunch of jerks from sneaking in the door you just broke”

what if theres no genocide, accidental or zionist

genocide is beside the point


yea any day now the natives will rise up in revolution.

i mean of one nation over another.