Is the war in Ieaq related to Christianity and relegion or only for oil?
- Religion
- Oil
Is the war in Ieaq related to Christianity and relegion or only for oil?
Is the war in Ieaq related to Christianity and relegion or only for oil?
Is the war in Ieaq related to Christianity and relegion or only for oil?
Maybe finishing Daddy’s business?
Don’t you see asking a question of complex cause while offering only two discrete, singular, mutually exclusive potential choices for answers as fallacious?
Excellent point Phaedrus!
I would go as far as saying that phrasing the question in this way is misleading and downright irresponsible.
I will not vote… it’s almost like choosing between Bush and Kerry (shudder).
I agree with Thirst.
Your poll is almost as fallacious as asking the question, “what caused the civil war? Slavery or hatred of blacks?” Not really a fair or even-habded question to ask. Thus I reject the poll by not participating. Maybe I should have done that in November too…
Christians aren’t responsible for the war in iraq, but by proxy.
Only one christian in particular is reponsible directly.
And the war was about WMDs…not oil or religion…don’t you watch FOX?
Sorry, you are right there should be more choices. I have added a third but somehow it didn’t register.
My real reason for this question is personal. If this war is for oil, I mean greed than they are solely responsible for all the pain and suffering. If it is a religious war than I am all we Christians are responsible to stop it.
Phaedrus wrote:
Dead on Pheadus. There are so many variables and factors to this conflict, many of which are not discussed by the general media and public.
ravencry4all wrote:
There are more than 3 possible answers. Any one answer, or 10 for that matter would probably not be exclusive.