Are Conservatives Nazis/Fascists?

How many liberals here equate conservatives with Nazis/Fascists?

I am not asking this to start a fight, but rather to get some idea of the people I will be dealing with here.

Conservatives are too reactionary and weak to be fascists. That requires initiative and willpower.


Maybe some are, but generally no.

I was going to say the same thing. Nazi’s and Fascist’s are extremes and are a rarity. Most people are actually politically moderate, they just lean a little more to the left or right.

This is test will show you where your own views put you on the political scale. It also compares you to some of the historic figures. Hitler, Stalin, Ghandi, etc.

Here is a list of the U.S presidential candidates on that same scale.

and a few of the historic figures.

Quite interesting actually. I scored right near the middle but leaning right and libertarian.

The problem with the political compass test is that it is made by libertarians and so it actually has a very strong libertarian bias to it. It is actually fairly difficult to score significantly outside that bracket.

Here is a comparison of a variety of different internet fora, you’ll notice the bias quite clearly.

Fascist is a term used by a kid when Dad won’t let him use the car.

This political compass is a farce designed to make most people appear to be a libertarian.

How do you come to that conclusion?

Experience. The stupid thing even said that I am a libertarian, which is absolutely untrue. I hate libertarians as much as I hate liberals.


No they’re just intellectually lazy.

Please defend that claim.

What kind of populace critical of their conceptual prowess would vote in such a simple minded one trick pony? This is intellectual laziness – being content to march ahead into ever-increasing-in-complexity world while ignoring other trains of thought just to appease colonialistic imperialism – an ancient concept indicative of my very point.

Arguing this is like arguing the sky is blue – conservatives are traditionalists. Liberals are cynical athiests so intent on being right and floating around in a existential ‘anything is possible – I’m just one man’ bullshit that they’re equally as devoid of any truly relevant thought-process.

Both of of these – the 0 and 1 which represent the binary prison of ignorance that was erected long ago. Which is what the OP is talking about — anything outside of these two views which argue amongst themselves and go nowhere — anything relevant – is viewed as irrelevant.

Actually quite the opposite. Nazis believe in strong government, the nation state and collectivism. Sounds like socialism to me.

left wing socialist totalitarians can’t abide with the thought that the german national socialist party was one of their own


Hitler denied Capitalism and Socialism because they both had the “evil Jew hiding in there mist”. The equality of the German people, and the subsequent meritocracy that Hitler advocated, was a matter of race. It was not a socialist argument for power lying in the hands of the proletariat, but a racial argument for all Germans being equally superior to Jews and Gypsies. A single united Aryan class presenting a strong stance against the Jew.

Because it wasn’t, which you’d know if you didn’t buy into your own rhetoric. It quite clearly based itself upon Mussolini’s corporatism, which was a syndicalist heresy promoting class cooperation, not class warfare. I understand that it’s convenient for rightist reactionary imbeciles to take the ‘Socialism’ for granted while forgetting that many ‘socialist’ parties (e.g. the Fabians) are quite emphatically not. Do me a favor next time and don’t.

thank you for the insults.

pay attention to the 25 points…


Pay attention to the fact that Hitler usurped the movement from Drexler, had one of the Strasser brothers eliminated, had another flee into hiding, and undermined Goebbel’s socialistic tendencies by offering him a high appointment if he were to swing to the ‘Hitlerite’ side.


So, no, Hitlerism is not a socialist position. The Nazi Party began as a putschish working class movement, but was quite soon hijacked by Hitler, who promptly ousted the Strassers, Drexler, etc.

Otto Strasser

Nice article…

What’s that? Hitler used it to manipulate the Socialist elements of German Society? That cannot be, whatever Hitler and the Third Reich officially claimed as there platform, must have been what they practiced…ZZZZZZ…Just like the fact that it’s called the National Socialist Party means that it’s socialist…ZZZZZZ

Conservatives, you will find, cannot ever admit to nationalism being a bad thing, for it deprives them of their own sense of collectivity which they want so much to deny. They’re as collectivist as the hardcore Stalinist, simply on another level (the nation vs. the class).