How should people view friends? In an equitable manner with efficacious quid pro quo expectations? Some friends can be viewed as ‘high maintenance’ due to their overbearing need to control that friendship. What should one do in having such a relationship with another?
True friends are motivated by love and bysomething I’ll call altruism, for lack of a better word. That said, true friends are few and far between. IMO most people are more aquaintances than friends, people with just enough common interests or goals and geographical proximity to make associating expedient. Those types of relationships are based on expediency more than deep affection.
I have little patience for ‘high maintenance’ people and those who need to run the show all the time.
I find this to be true. Most of those ‘type of friends’ I have are email friends. This may sound odd, but they are the most satisfactory of my acquaintances due to the low maintenance situation involved with them.
It depends how you define friend. I think a lot of, maybe most, people would define friends to be assets. By definition then, the answer is no. Friends are assets.
If you have a friend you don’t like anymore, you can either try to resolve your differences or part ways. Some friends are worth trying to work things out with and some aren’t.