Are insane people aware of their insanity?

What is sanity? What is insanity?

I’ve seen what you did there. :stuck_out_tongue:

With these terminologies in discussion of sanity versus insanity the crux of the issue is conformity versus nonconformity.

Normalcy is defined as the presence of conformity. The word insane of course is a negative connotation for an individual that doesn’t conform and acts out against conformity albeit even authority. It is a subject revolving around tradition and non tradition more specifically traditional social values versus things entirely different of the direct opposite.

Well, sure, I found your post asking me, and I thought, wait, I thought this was someone’s elses thread, how did I end up needing to demonstrate something to Joker. Then I noticed you were using the terms yourself. If everything is insane and you have admitted being part of that everything, what does it mean and how would know it is insane?

Sure, norms get brought in. But then there are people who suffer immensely and part of this is because they think things are happening that are not. They won’t buy food because of the robot spiders out in the hallway. And there are delusions also, where people think things are happening that are not. Of course all this gets judged by boring people with no idea that their own norms may be fucked up. I get that. I agree with that. But there still can be disconnection/hallucination and also regular versions of this that really harm the people who have them.

It’s easy to say it is all just cultural conformity, but I am sure in your travels you have met people who confused images in their minds with reality and they were not just not ever going to get off the streets, they were not happy there, and were not going to do well after a collapse. Sure, Schizophrenia may be a vague, conformist category, and drugs of little help, etc. But at the same time there are people who you yourself would consider disconnects mentally, not in contact with the things they are saying they are. There are people you could have just met who will tell you you are Jesus or their father. It isn’t always about ‘Hey, who is to say they are just breaking norms.’

It’s a tougher issue than that. More complicated.

Humankind is insane, and they don’t seem aware of it, so no.



In psychiatry everybody likes to discuss the individual in terms of self delusions but always notice that it does nothing in breaching the wide arrange of delusions that much larger collective society or civilization holds as self evident truths.

Now, why is that? Simply astonishing and mind boggling.

Sure, psychiatry is fucked. But you are still oversimplifying. The fact that psychiatry pathologizes individuals, cannot look at the way society causes suffering and is organized to lead people to patented pills as solutions to all problems
does not mean that
no one is insane or diconnected from reality or deluded.
You and I would agree about many things that the average joe is deluded about, including joe’s ideas about psychiatry and mental illness
but that doesn’t mean that any guy who thinks there is a chip in his head and the CIA is following him is sane. (that they may want us all to have chips soon may very well be true, but that does not mean all the guys saying this are sane.)
People are suffering patterns that are not simply caused by society.
You want to blame everthing on nurture, that’s a limiting as pharma blaming everying on chemical imbalances and genes.
It’s more comlicated that that.
It can feel nice to have it all black and white, but it is not the way things are.
Me many people who would not be diagnosed or not get a major mental diagnosis are seriously deluded, massively brainwashed. YOu and I would agree about many parts of that brainwashing.
It is fucked up that psychiatry presents itself as scientific and politically neutral, when in fact it is a system with many delusions and is hardly neutral.
That said people who are mainstream and people who are not can have damaging delusions about reality that are not caused by society.
We come into the world with temperments and tendencies, we are not just blank slates that society fucks up.
To see it is as black and white and that any damaging pattern I or you or anyone exhibits is society’s fault is not taking responsibility for our part in it. Some people are pure victims, but they are rare.

How do we know the man who claims to have a chip in his head by CIA really is insane? Surely you’re familiar with government expirimentation programs on the greater population as a whole.

It seems you’re making excuses for the legitimacy of society and civilization itself.