American pragmatists, British empiricists, and Continental rationalists?
Why is a supposedly intelligent man acting like a 6 year old?
They’re all white and oppressive?
The structure of certain languages that place more emphasis on the “I” may partially explain how western philosophies in genral emphasize the individual to a greater extent than the philosophies of the East.
As far as American pragmatists go, a society that needed to create itself from scratch out of a New World wilderness very likely would have need to place a higher value on pragmatism more than other cultures would.
Perhaps the role of a significant individual randomly happening to be born into one society rather than another, such as a John Lock or a David Hume, would also somewhat explain how British philosophy would have taken the English speaking world onto a somewhat different trajectory than the rest of Europe. Even if the thought of a Francis Bacon was in itself not especially correlated with his Englishness, but once he formulated his ideas, the trajectory was set. After all, philosopher create their arguments through arguing either for or against the arguments of those philosophers that have come before them, and the British philosphers that come after are jsut naturally more familiar with like-minded philosphers that have proceeded them within their own culture.