I think there definitely is. I believe in the human soul. I also believe that genes hold many mysteries we have yet to find. As I have said in one of my previous posts, the human genome has been mapped but not explained. I also believe there is a higher form of consciousness where we can communicate with each other using our minds regardless of the distance.
I’m inclined to agree with Magius. The ‘supernatural’ genre only exists, because there is such a wealth of evidence to allow a set of assumptions (concerning ‘spiritual’ matters) to develop.
Annoyingly, I think that whatever is true, the undisputable elements of what makes up our ‘soul’. i’d like to think that neurology (a science still very much in its infancy) will unearth something huge within our lifetime.
one worthwhile assumption to at least have in the back of your mind, is that the 5/6 senses we have/are aware of, are not necessarily all we have, or all we are capable of using. senses are ultimately coded for in genes, though how an organism learns to use them in their life may lead to some being ‘magnified’, or even some being used by one person, and not another.
if wanting to see this from a scientific point of view, then look no further than bats or dolphins (sonar), or any other creature that uses senses we do not have.
if from an arts point of view (and this example is much better, in trying to understand what the ‘soul’ is), i recommend you read a short-ish story by voltaire called ‘micromegas’, where the proportions and senses that we are used are thrown wildly into dissaray, as micromegas hops from one planet to another, and eventually finds humans. it creates a set of assumptions whereby the beings on each planet hold different numbers of senses and hence different impressions. it makes you wonder whether when we refer to our ‘soul’, we are merely talking about a heightened awareness of our ‘extra’ senses, that is, the state of mind that excites, or whatever word you would use.
i must emphasise, that i by know means intend to delimit the importnace of the ‘unknown’. i say all of this, as particular philosophical perspective. i’ve recently come tp the view that scientific fundamentalism is a dangerous and corrosive force.
Claire, this question is the same one that was going to ask this morning. Guess it doesn’t matter who asks it though…
Something about my everyday experiences finds it incredibly difficult (if not impossible) to believe I am just genes.
I believe (rightly or wrongly) that humans do have a soul, but the problems start rolling in when I try to define what I mean. Been reading a bit about the body/mind relations and find it hard to explain the minds relation to the body. I’ve read a few theories (intereactionsim, epiphenomenalism etc) but I’m still thinking it over.
perhaps I wandered from the original post a little, but does anyone have any ideas about the mind/body relations? (If you even hold that one has a mind) I’d be interested to hear them.
Well I certainly have never met anyone or know of or heard of anyone who was telepathic.
I don’t like anything spiritual partly because I am afraid of it…
Voodoo really scares the shit out of me. Especially from Haiti and I know that’s one thing not to mess with…
, yes I do believe.
Magius, I’m not sure about the telepathy thing tho…
But then again, we only use approx 10% of our brains. Maybe our brains have the capability to function like a cell phone… You ever had one of those really fancy cell phones that u just use for its basic features and when you look thru the manual, you are just shocked as to how many fucntions it has…
Neurologists actually claim that we use 100% of our brain. And they have no problem proving it either. Personally, I have never read a book on neurology but I have read that we use 100% of our brains, I also read that many people believe human beings only use 10% of their brains because of the power of word of mouth. When Einstein was alive he was once heard joking around about how human beings only use 10% of their brain. Some people took this seriously, he was after all Einstein, and it began to be spread like wild fire - and till this day people believe that humans only use 10% of their brain.
Personally, as much as I have heard about the subject, as much as science may say that we use 100% of our brain, I truly have a hard time believing it. I have a saying “in every joke there is a little bit of seriousness”, who knows maybe this is also the case with Einstein’s joke.
Ok then, so If we are truly using 100% of our brains, that means there is no room for telepathy.
yea but the people who found out the statement may not be able to find the truth in that becase they are not using 100 percent of there brains i belive we have no limits.
I believe we have no limits as well. We just have to have it showed to us or a machine to help us along. I read in a book that somoene removed 98% of a chameleons brain and it was still able resume normal feeding habits. Which would imply that we don’t use 100% of our brains. Wait no 2% of our previous brain is still 100% of our current brain. I think they were trying to say that not all of our brain is needed for survival. It was just a theory though. The books called holographic universe if anyones interested.
I always interpreted the 10% of your brain referring to only 10% being used at one time. You use your whole brain, just not all of it. Alteast, that’s how I understood it, because then it made sense to me.
But on the original question, I definitely agree that we are more than genes. I particularly believe it is the soul that also is a part of us, and that is an integral part of humanity.
It is my personal belief that we not only exist with a soul but are in fact the physical manifestation of spiritual energy that is our soul. So as to say that when we die we ( our energy or soul if you will) is released once again to its true and pure form.