Are we that meaningless?

Right now my “meaning”, my goal in life is knowledge and the legacy left by so many people before me which i feel is my duty to enrich and pass on.
SIATD might argue that this is a very religious goal… to which i have no reply so don’t bother posting :stuck_out_tongue: .

Hi Eugene,

Thanks for starting an interesting topic. My simple answer for your questions is “Yes, life is meaningless” Even the discoveries made by great minds like Einstein are no exception. It is still meaningless although it is lot better than many other human pursuits like flying planes in to buildings for example.

I do not agree that it is a pessimistic to think that life is meaningless. It may be pessimistic for people who can’t face the Truth but need a sugar-coated version of Truth. Human life, like the work of Sisyphus, is futile.

Consciousness is a disease.

Yes, it’s tru, but thru certainlenses, important lenses, nonetheless

Yes, life is “meaningless” when you think in terms of “time”
and “religion”

Ultimately the kind of value we have had a tendency to attach to things, as acreatively thinking species (wrongly) has beem exaggerated

NO life IS but you cant see, life is LOVE, i use to dream of life in one big family of mine that i would do, but it could grow to a whole world and beyound, what precious and refine every instant of your life discovering the endless depth of being from the truth of love, love is life it has to be only that to thnak God

Love, god etc., cannot explain the life or universe. You can think that love gives meaning for your life and that’s fine. But that cannot be the Truth for everybody. Just think about this.

  1. Universe exists at least for the last 13.4 billion years

  2. Earth exists at least for the last 4.6 billion years

  3. Life on Earth originated at least 3.5 billion years ago

  4. Humans come in the picture only in the last 4 million years (To give a famous analogy, if the history of Earth is compared to a 24 hour period, humans didn’t come untill the last 3 minutes of the that 24 hour period).

So here are my questions:

  1. Why is that love that is something invented/developed/expressed by humans would give meaning to everything even to things that predate humans’ origin?

  2. Why is god an anthropomorphic being not a bacteria nor a radiation the ones that existed long, long before the arrival of humans?

In my opinion, nothing can explain the meaning of life or the universe. The only meaning life has is what we attach to it (like loving others or serving others as the purpose/meaning of life) and it is purely subjective. It is not wise to suggest that purpose/meaning as universal for everyone.

Just my 2 cents

We’re meaningful enough to ponder that question…

I think it’s pretty cool…

your denial was ok until you decided to put the worst devils in you at your last paragraph, i never even montion to like helping others and i saw that not only you are using the christians believes of love to deny itself, but to pull down what you very well understood of my love perspective, and for that i judge you as a low soul that has not a singular interest or respect for the truth you can abuse abondantly with no regrets for 2 cents of your level of love shows

Piffle, Life is not meaningless! If you feel that the end of life is the time your body ceases to exist and thus all your time spent in that body is wasted. then you really need to understand biology and energy more. and if you refuse to find meaning then go sit in the corner and don’t interfere with others that understand and are working to better themselves. If you wish to reach out and find meaning then start with; energy does not cease it changes.

Yes but consciousness dies. What makes 1 person what and who he/she is are her/his choises in life. All that dies once the body stops functioning.
Human life is a spark, nothing more but for a brief moment that spark can shine brighter than all the stars in the known universe.

I’ll pay more than 2 cents for that :smiley:

That is sad, perhaps one of the saddest thoughts in the universe. I grieve for you. I will try to find your spark and carry it along with my energy if I can find it when we both lose these bodies. I would show you the wonders of being and perhaps add to your spark.

Wonders of being huh… ? ok what next ?

dude, if you do not agree with my opinion, please do so respectfully. We all are hypothesizing and we all could be wrong. And I didn’t say anything to offend you. I only questioned your opinion.

I agree that you didn’t mention “helping others”. And I didn’t even say that you mentioned that. I tried to use it as an example

like loving others or serving others as the purpose/meaning of life”

If someone doesn’t agree with or question your love perspective, you immediately judge them as low souls. Wow, that says a lot about you, dude.

robot you are programmed to lie in order to destroy love, this is the depth of truth you are you can stay lying like you do for ages and more and nothing would make you more pleased to be alive than to upset the depth of truth, and dont dude me i dont allow you to make fun of my very serious grief

Well you are just going to have to wait, I may be selfish here but,I have no intentions of crapping out on this life just to escort you around, put a beacon on your spark to let me know where it is and I’ll catch up with you. :smiley: :laughing: but, really you need to start here, try building your spark up with knowledge of varying kinds, give yourself a well balanced mind food diet. don’t get stuck on one type you will get the equivelent of gout and scurvy that way.

I see… but what will you be doing meanwhile ?

I think the process of existance of us justifies our lives. Is there’s anything, that has a meaning then? We can’t say, cause we don’t know. Is it smart to believe it’s all meaningless is such case?
The only conclusion I made is that we’re free to do whatever we think is necessary. You considered asking this question as a necessary thing.

I respect your perspective that love is so meaningful for you and I honestly do not want to make fun or offend you. But you have to understand that it does not need to be the same for everyone. And you can’t judge me or use any negative words just because I do not have the same respect for love, as you do. In my opinion, nothing is sacred or beyond criticism. Love, god and all these have no inherent greatness or sacredness (nor anything negative), but only the greatness (or otherwise) we attribute to them.

You are attributing so much importance to love and you could not tolerate any one questioning that importance.

How do you know that I am lying? That’s an interesting accusation. You can tell that someone is lying only when you know what the truth is. You seem to confuse opinion with truth. Your idea of “life is love” is an opinion not truth. I am disagreeing only with your opinion not against truth because no one knows for sure what “life is”. How is that called lying?

I will be building my energy levels up by learning as much as possible of course. I wish to have as much as possible for emergencies.

i will not give to your sleeping positive side that you use to serve your awake being enjoying the pleasures of lying to the truth until you stop annoying me a lot of the level that you can get really it must help you to picture me much more stupid that i am, be honest guy and i will answer your both sides, hey dude NOONE EVER AND EVER HAD SAID OR FELT TO SAY THAT HIS MEANING OF LIFE IS TO SUPPORT OTHERS< NOONE EVER EVER AND EVER IT IS AS THE MAXIMUM OF TRUE WILL AN EXPRESSION TO BE IN GOD WILL- i dont want to go into this prooving your lies to not appear dum with all your faking good looking straight skills, so please stop making an issue of my way to say depth of feeling that i get of a thought put in words, if you feel really agressed answer me of the depth you did a step for thousands back ans still i responded for the tiny one dark sense of willing love, just be truthful and faithful enough to what is true, and talk to me of thoughts that is all i hope to communicate better with you