Are white people bullied and silenced?

I do plan to help them with our dirty water problem. Thanks for your concern. I’m on schedule.

What it’s actually like, I’m a poorer white man than that carpenter. So hey, no fair! What it’s actually like, that picture of a future king being carried, it’s not a movie poster, it’s real, and I’m related to him one way or another.

If you haven’t faced adversity based on you skin color, then you’re probably white and talking more about the burden of white privilege than the absence of it. That burden doesn’t allow to you to be honest about your insensitivity. You also probably have underwear wedged up your uptight ass, but I’m a un-funny bully for saying that, so speak up. Call me the white uncle tom or something.

“No man can afford an opinion that goes against his bread and butter.”

Mark Twain
Corn-Pone Opinions, essay

It’s also like this:

If you are related to the white future king, then blacks are related to black kings.

I would just call you a racist because you are making all sorts of statements and judgements based purely on skin color.

But you are a ‘good’ racist because your negative comments target white people. :evilfun:

I thought you said you were some kind of mulatto.
But it’s telling that you think it’s about the money - You are no working class.

…and live in a predominantly white neighbourhood.

Finished that stupidity of yours for you.
Actually, the more vibrant (mixed) a neighbourhood is the stronger the racial awareness and segregation. You don’t learn racism in your education - you learn that reality outside of your safe-spaces.

So it’s difficult to live as a minority in some place, especially if you are not a minority in a White country where they tend to fall for white privilege babble and so forth.

Solution? - We have to flood White places with minorities to make them more diverse because we don’t like happy homogeneous White communities. We must destroy those communities because of overcoming muh racism, because of overcoming White homogeneous communities.

Fellow White people, we can’t have homogeneous White communities because diversity is a strength and White people must be forced to live in vibrant communities because this lowers their birthrates and less White people is good.
Because racism.

Also, fellow White people, send more money overseas, you racists!

What are you talking about? You are the best thing that has happened to the rise of White Consciousness today on this forum. Okay, maybe the second best but you know, many a mickle makes a muckle.

Right, so at least you’ve said something here. What you’ve said is exactly what I said you would say. What you are saying -and don’t play coy like this isn’t what you are saying (perhaps you’ve never thought it through)- is that through the destruction of all the races we will end up with racial utopia. This is like saying we will reach peace on earth and good will towards man by eliminating all the humans from the face of the earth (conversation for another time). Don’t give me the bullshit that this will not result in the destruction of the races because it will (I don’t even have to get on the topic of dominant and recessive genes). In your own words to reach this racial utopia we need to breed out distinct races. There are countless examples of ‘scholars’ who have peddled this tripe throughout the ages. You think this is something new? This makes you a genocidal monster of the same order as any number of worst people in history. I’m so sick of tiptoeing through the tulips with pathologically ignorant individuals, so sorry I don’t have the time to play nice. What you are seeing is only the beginning.

By the way, IF it could even be done, the presence of racial utopia would give way to the presence of another dystopia.

Different racial members from the same human race? LOL…Do I really need to break this one down?

Tower of Babel. You really want to strive for this?

Diversity because ‘fair’, ‘equality’, ‘strength’ but taken to its logical conclusion will result in the absolute extinction of diversity.

The universe hates uniformity.
The universe hates diversity.

What it loves is harmony between the separate and diverse elements from which literally all structures are built.

When all things are equal, there is no universe at all.
When all things are diversified, there is no life at all.

And btw, whites were always a minority until they made themselves a majority. And guess what happens when a different majority rises. There is no “human race”. The race is and always has been between the variations of homosapian, often referred to as “infidel”, “goyem”, “hedonist”, “cynic”, “outcast”,… “minority”.

James, I think you’re looking for the words balance or equilibrium. The word harmony makes you sound like a hippie or something…