Hi there. I got your attention. Hehehe. The original (serious) title of this post was to be, “Philosophy = atheism?” So with that, let us get on with our business, shan’t we?
Toto? there’s something funny about this place
There are no steeples! Call me slow … but I’m just catching on to something. The field of proper, bearded Philosophy seems comprised, perhaps 99%, of thinkers who turn down their collective noses on the proposition of the existence of ‘skygods’. So I’m wondering. Is there such a thing as a Christian Philosopher? Can you name a “big one”? It seems that all the truly big ones who get quoted round these parts– Nietzsche, Descartes, Socrates, Aristotle, so on –are uniformly and often passionately atheistic in their views.
you didn’t ask
You didn’t ask but I’m going to relay a quick personal history of liberation. I was born into a loosely Baptist family and in fact held a firm in the God of the Bible throughout most of my life. Yet, I have since grown away from this belief in a fatherly figure God and have come to more easily balk and sneer at the traditional Church which would so readily impose guilt and instill fear into the hearts of children; fear of eternal damnation to a fiery hell.
“Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I should DIE before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take.”
Ecck. John Bradshaw, the best-selling “inner child” movement guru, once said this bedtime prayer is a hell of a thing for a child to be raised on, and I agree.
philosophy synonymous with atheism?
So anyways, as my education has broadened and my understanding of science has grown, the tenets of literal creationism have become utterly insupportable. But I still have great respect for those who are able to believe; nay, I even envy my fellow regilious sojourners to a great degree! As one person on the 'Net has said,
“Is it better to be wise and know the awful truth, or ignorant and live the beautiful lie?”
And so it is, I have been just a tad taken aback by the open hostility towards those who would devote their lives in honorable and benevolent good works in the name of their faith.
Did you know that Ken Jennings is a Mormon?
He’s a smart little mo’fugger, with 600 grand in the pot and twenty days straight running on the TV game show Jeopardy. Well, he worships the ‘skygods’ - and you wouldn’t think of him as very easily deceived (‘beguiled’ as our distinguished member Polemarchus puts it), would you?
Have a wonderful day and thanks for reading my post.