Aristotle's elements

Would someone mind telling me what Aristotle’s main point about the elements were? I know about the concept of moist, dry, wet, hot etc. and how a rock wouldn’t stay in the air because it was not of the air element etc. but what else were his main points; i.e. did he believe that they were unique to one another and couldn’t coincide with one another/would destroy each other or that they could? How they came to be? and so forth

I apologise if this sounds like I’m being lazy but it’s just that I have difficulty reading Aristotle especially since he wrote so much/can’t seem to stop talking about the infinite but I really need some help understanding his points about the elements so if you wouldn’t mind pointing out where in the Physics (i.e. which book/chapter) I’m going to find these points I’d much appreciate it.

Thank you for your time and sorry for asking this

Before modern science people also tried to explain and categorize things, but on a rational top-down manner. Elements were considered the main parts ‘things’ are build of. And if all corresponds to your elements, a theory is created.

Is this somekind of an answer :unamused: ?

yeh but the topic was made almost two months ago and i’ve found out the details since then.

thanks anyway

I just was looking into unanswered posts.

You’re welcome :slight_smile: .