Art IMO is another of those words like faith, hope, and love, that have gradually lost their depth of meaning having become limited by enhanced egotism. The concepts are only valued to the degree that they further our emotional valuation of ourselves.
It would be reasonable for a person with a minimal knowledge of chemistry seeking to learn more to read a book on it. The understanding he has to begin with allows him to appreciate what he reads and build on his knowledge of chemistry
The same possibility exists with our potential to experience emotional quality. Normally our emotional life is limited to in some way justifying ourselves and as such is closed to the possibility of experiencing ourselves impartially and our connection to life itself.
There is another thread in progress about a “beautiful empty world.” But what is it empty of? It has a lot of materiality, life, and action. But to some, it lacks emotional depth, something that connects the depth of our being beyond our egotism to conscious life. It has been called all sorts of names like the “hole in the heart” for example. A person can have everything by cultural standards but still feel a hole in their heart, an emptiness.
Art, as it existed at one time, was the emotional equivalent to a text book. A person’s intellect could grow in knowledge through the book. Art was able to allow a person to experience a quality of emotion beyond their egotism and its limitations.
What this means was that art is a process. Art occurs when the artist capable of this quality of emotion understands how it can be mechanically reproduced in the person experiencing this art provided they are capable of some emotional freedom and willing to be open rather than judgmental. So the artist understands his medium and creates a “work of art” that has the ability to convey the quality of emotion to the recipient the artist intends. In this way it is an objective experience rather than a purely subjective one depending on the inclinations of the recipient.
The “golden section” used in ancient Egypt for example is a specific shape stimulating a quality of emotion. … dslide.htm
Where at one time a quality of art had the purpose of freeing one from the limitations of egotism through the experience of a higher quality of emotion, in modern times, its purpose is to reinforce these limitations for the sake of self justification, self importance, notoriety and cash.
So I really have to agree with D that in these times except for a small minority,.“it’s hard to distinguish “art” from ordinary forms of expression.”
How many artists would have such qualitative emotional experience and depth while being skilled in their medium to produce a work of art capable of providing a direct experience? How many could be open enough to be free of conditioning by critics to allow themselves the freedom to experience without preconception?
So as great a respect I have for art, I have to conclude that it’s better not to depend on the local gallery but instead visit the Sphinx for example and allow oneself to become open to it since its builders understood something about conveying emotion that is worthwhile beginning to “feel”. Then I believe, a person may begin to value art in a new way.