I was reading about Irrationalism & Aestheticism on wikipedia (tee~hee) and there was a claim that one could use art to gain knowledge of the otherwise radically unknowable noumena. In another article, l’art pour l’art, or art for art’s sake, is likened to noumena due to their nature as a causal loop. Or, at least, that’s what the article claimed. Does any of that make any sense? Is it even conceivable in any way? Or is my shadowy suspicion right that these concepts are nothing but the ravings of some random wikipedia punk who doesn’t know a thing?
Even if the claim of the first article you mention is based on an experience it is evident that this is unverifyable through other means than art. Hence, discussion about it is difficult. I’ve made an attempt to examine this sort of thing in this thread: ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/vi … p?t=152263