The Stradivarius violins have not been duplicated since X-teen hundred. Trades, techniques, and skills get passed on from generation to generation, yet the end results of some craftsman can never be reproduced.
One possible explanation is that there are technicians and there are artists. The work of an artist can be duplicated by a technician or artist, but never the same. The work of a technician can always be duplicated identically.
Interesting thought but does it touch on cause? Can someone accurately predict who will get called a technician and who will get caused an artist before the fact?
While artists wax poetic and attribute near-mystical properties to a Strad, 2X-blind listening tests don’t demonstrate a better tone than other extremely well made instruments. I don’t give a shit, though- I still think they’re magical.
We lack humanity when we try to define it. Instead, I am of the opinion we should allow it to unfold. With no expectations, we can reach beyond our present (limited) understanding.
You’re speaking to the difference between an artisan and an artist. The difference is not facility -ie- the ability to handle materials competently. In this sense, Antonio wasn’t an artist, but an artisan. He didn’t create a new instrument, he took it to the greatest level of perfection possible. An artist is one capable of creativity. The person who brings a new vision. Artists bring creativity. Artisans bring innovation to that which has already been created…
Not at all. I’m talking about why some work can’t be re-created. I’m giving one possible explanation why. People just jumped on to the one explanation I gave. I was hoping more for other opinions on why some things can’t be made again.
I think Phaedrus already pointed out that a Strad and any other well-made instrument can’t be told apart in listening tests. Much of what can’t be reproduced belongs to the person playing the instrument, wielding the brush, composing the words…
It is a well-known fact that anything can be forged by someone with the same level of facility as the original artist. The world’s museums are full of forgeries in any category of ‘artistry’ you can name.
Please give an example of what you consider not reproducable.
A living creature is not duplicatable not even with cloning. An exact duplicate is impossible. Anything that is made cannot be exactly duplicated. It takes just one minute thing two make it different. Not even robotics can keep from making minute deviations. Lots of copies out there though. But not a whole lot of duplicates.
Folks want to predict human skills and tendencies in order to better organize humanity. yech. I have 6 junk drawers and am always finding things I had forgotten about. It may sound silly but, it does give life a teeny bit of spark.
The reason Strats are so valuable is not just the name but, the attention to detail. Strats are well made and are more likely to survive a lot longer than the average violin. Quality not quantity.
The explanation that really makes the most sense to me is that some crafts lose their importance and the knowledge is not past on. It was a friend of mine who proposed the artist vs. technician idea. I thought it was an interesting idea and I wanted to share it.