Anyone a good artist of human females?
I was a big fan of Egon Schieler back then.
Not to change the subject, but maybe we can get Tab to post some of his paintings.
They rock.
On good days I can be…why?
Interesting style. It challenges the viewer. Very stuckist.
Cheers Itlog, I think my style is properly termed “No formal training”.
Really? The 94 oil on board screams postmodern-chic. Usually people with no formal training paint trees, dogs and mountains.
Do you still paint? I started holding a brush about a year ago.
There’s some great artistic talent on ILP - some of the art I’ve seen being sold for too many ££££s is questionable in my eyes, but I guess it’s who you know not how good an artist you are that counts these days.
You’re right, it’s who you know. Technical ability is not important anymore.
Virtuosity is such an old fashioned word, when shock is all that matters in art nowadays. You have people painting in literal shit, sculpting elephant shit, casting human shit in plastic resin. The new art movement is shittyism and it stinks.
Do you still paint? I started holding a brush about a year ago.
Nah, haven’t painted for years, since the births of my children. The one I drew for Cyrene was the first time I’d attempted to draw seriously in years.
I dunno, I don’t really even write creatively anymore - no poetry, no shorts. All these things take a sort of time, and a sort of leisure of mind that I just haven’t got to spare these days.
Maybe when the kids have grown up. As the classic line goes.
Virtuosity is such an old fashioned word, when shock is all that matters in art nowadays.
Art reflects the times, so ours is, unsurprisingly, quick and frequently dirty. The microwave oven of artistic endevour.

You’re right, it’s who you know. Technical ability is not important anymore.
Yeah, I think it hasn’t been for a few decades now!
Virtuosity is such an old fashioned word, when shock is all that matters in art nowadays. You have people painting in literal shit, sculpting elephant shit, casting human shit in plastic resin. The new art movement is shittyism and it stinks.
…do you think that art can get any shitter than that then?
see what I did there
Oooh, clever!
I think we have a potential winner.