as time ticks away...

I’m writing a paper right now on functionalism, reductionism, two types of identity theory and alot of type/token distinction crap. I have to email it in in the next two hours and twenty minutes. I have only two sentences so far.
Any suggestions?

none, sorry.


well did ya get it done?

yep. :smiley:

It’s the end of an era. That was my very last undergraduate philosophy paper.

A moment of silence.

Ok… =D>

go on scott well done, hope you passed. i guess the american academic year runs a little later than the british one, as i received results a few weeks ago. And how about the grading system, is it the same as our (pass, 3rd, 2:2, 2:1, 1st?)

That paper sounded tough. My worst one was probably an essay for my Knowledge, reason and scepticism module where i had to assess Williams´ view of Rorty´s claim that epistemology is a distinctly moden subject. got through it tho. How bout you?

This was a summer class that I was doing so it ran into August. I’m not sure about that grading system. Ours we get a percent on the assignments which translates into a percent for the class which becomes a letter A(100-90%), B(89-80%) then C (79-70%), D (69-60%) and anything below 60% means you get no credit for the class at all. Those letters traslate into an overall grade point average for all classes on a 4.0 scale, 4.0 being all A’s and so on…
Is that similar to how yours works? Aren’t you in Italy?

The paper was a little rough. I did two rough drafts though. I think I’m still processing some of the stuff that we read. If you get a chance I’d recommend this guy David Lewis. He wrote alot of intense stuff. Before this class I’d never heard of him.

Nah sounds completely different to our (all UK so far as I know) system. A fail is 0-40, pass is 40-45, 3rd is 45-50, 2:2 is 50-60, 2:1 is 60-70, and first class is 70+. For my degree some modules are essay-based, some exam and others a mixture of the two. I did better on exams, mainly due to always leaving essays til last minute despite promising myself I wouldn´t!

No I´m in Spain at the mo (on holiday) but live in South Wales. What about you? I´ll have a peek at that Lewis guy. One guy I heard about due to a class was Stanley Cavell, who some good stuff to say on epistemology.