Astral Projection

I couldn’t find this topic using the search engine so I thought I’d start one up or revive the topic. First off I heard about Astral Projection a few years ago, took it as another hair brained new age thing and said w/e. Then I got kinda interested in it then ran in fear because of my Christian faith. I felt I could get possessed, even though many astral projectors claim this can’t happen, others claim you are seperate so what stops another spirit from entering your body. Anyhow my recent fascination with hypnoticism, my friends fascination with buddhism, has caused me to pick up more interest in this subject. I want to know what you guys think. You would think this subject would be talked about more if it was so great, and I mean if you can travel to the moon, new planets, beautiful places, see the past, how could it not be the most popular thing ever.

Lol, it’s kinda funny. All my life i’ve been taught by my parents new age people are weird; so are vegans, college professors, buddhists, w/e. Anything that’s not close to apple pie, Jesus, and average joe things is weird and I should have nothing to do with it. I’ve found I’ve always been an open person, and learning philosophy isn’t something crazy, it’s simple concepts just more in depth, vegans eat more clean, professors know more than the average person, and new age people are just normal people like us trying to expand from a dim mind.

I’ve given up talking to most of my family and friends about the stuff I’m interested in. When I get on something new I study it to a great extent until I know what I’m talking about. I find home conversation so lame that I just joke most of the time, they take me for a fool because I never speak up and deliver what I think. Whenver I do I get “Ok ok, can we just stop talking about this” from my mother at least. This is why even though everyone see’s a friend of mine as a loser, he’s smart and will talk to great hours about things like this with me; we need more people like that in this world.

However, moving off the tangent. I’m just typing what I’m thinking here. Anyhow I got an interest in Astral Projection again, and I would like to study and try it. I am rather worried, and if anything I feel that some of my spirituality and belief in God is coming back when I study the greatness of the mind. Astral Projection makes sense, and for those who don’t believe me should read up on it. Call me gullible but I believe people have seen ghosts, and if not ghosts then it must be all mind, and if mind that settles it. But even if you can take your mind to new places it would be so worth it. ~Dan will have something to say, this is right up his alley. But I want to know everyones thoughts here. Christians will say most likely it’s a bad idea and it’s demonic- maybe so. I would like this discussed more in depth so I can expand my thoughts on this matter. Thank you.

“Remote viewing” is the subject you should look into.

*You’re “soul” does not need to leave your body before you can remote view.

*Remote viewing has to do with spaceless and timeless dimensional interpretation/viewing, and that is why it can be used for the viewing of any time or place.

*Time and space only apply to a certain spectrum of the energy that exists, and though it is more human/obvious, the “other” “subtle forces” are what we’re talking about.

OBEs may be far more vivid, but they’re more risky, especially for newbies.

Read real statistics and documents about Near Death Experiences, to learn more about OBEs.

Acclowledging the existence of unlimited infinity within the realms or dimensions of “potential energy” will go a long way in understanding the difference between the “spirit world”, and the “physical world”. We’re talkin about potential and kenetic consciousness, etc., and how potential transmutes into kenetic, and vice-versa.

Religions don’t want to teach you how to have accurate visions and how to qwn old crazy prophets. They want to preach about conformity to laws and old ideas. That’s why “religion” and “magick practice” have basically split off, though many founders of religions were somewhat psychic/magick-users.

For example, let’s talk about healing…
My friend Joe was helping treat a sickness I had, and as he did it, I could physically feel the energy in my chest. And the taste/sense of the sickness shifted, right there. It was so physical, and so real, I couldn’t doubt it. He’s an example of a strong psychic able to use energy in ways like that. & I’m not going to call him Jesus, even if he can push pencils with telekenesis and heal illnesses, and ressurect small insects/rodents from the dead. BTW ressurections only work a few moments after death… gets harder as you go.

Remote viewing protocols, developed by the CIA, are out in public now. Read about those, and do tests with people.

Get friends to put letters and numbers in boxes, or whatever, and you learn how to view those without them telling you, etc.

Lots of training is needed, to develop ESP/RV.

Do you really want to?

And you were doing so well with your skepticism, too. Oh well, so it goes!

There’s no need to be blindly skeptical towards higher physics.

As I’ve said before,
This has to do with the deeper meanings of kenetic and potential energy.

Me and one of my friends online, just today, were training, and he got the right color of the object in my hand, whilst online in another country, first try. I had tons of doubts/skepticism before I actually did enough tests to learn and to prove that the dimensions of mental energies are not as limited and deformed as the common person would say.

That’s right, I’ve spent over a year doing various tests with others, experimenting, and learning. But I can only use this BS language and preconcepts in order to try to express what I’ve learned, so that makes it all instantly misinterpreted, and I wont talk much about it.

Yes I would like to learn more about it. My friend is meditating often and tonight I finally put him under a hypnotic trance. I commanded him to howl when I said blue and such, I had friends over and it was quite a good time lol. Before I woke him I told him he could not leave the room until I said a certain word. He woke up himself, and I asked him to follow me he didn’t leave the room, I said come here, and he said I can’t… I just can’t… And then I said the word and he snapped right out of it and walked through the door. This is different than projection I know, but it shows how powerful the mind can be. Im still a bit skeptical of Astral Projection, but as you say there are ways to check it for it’s validity such as naming the color of a friends blindly etc. I’ll have to look into that remote viewing. I would like to know however if it is possible to progress to a level where a friend and I can meet up in the astral plane to telepathically talk I suppose and go places. I’ve heard about the certain rules, jsut like doing something wrong is a negative energy and this can be a good way to meet up with demons and evil forces. I would prefer to keep my projections good and heavenly, but I’m not sure if I could stay away from invading privacy lol. All this seems halfway believable, and halfway frightening. I know you’ll never project if you’re fearful, but it seems I feel that way- maybe all the spiritual forces. This would be the first spiritual thing I will have experienced. I’ve never seen a ghost, angel, w/e. This also seems like it would unlike the secret to life and our purpose… that seems to easy. But like you said, If I could connect with a friend in an astral plane and find that we both had the same encounter and experience while astral, I’ll know it’s for real and not just some mental thing. It does seem rather odd that the best way to get to a projection is consuming your sub mind with thoughts of it, reading up on it all the time, and etc. That almost seems like allowing yourself to be possessed, that would be the popular Christian explanation i’m sure.

Even when I stop and think about it now, it doesnt seem real. Seems too good to be true. My friend and I discussed this idea, that maybe all religions were made for our cultures and if we responded to them while living a life with them this would help us in an afterlife to meet up with God. Haven’t really thought that through though.

What other things can you do whilst in the astral plane? I could go to Jupitar? Other galaxies? I could see what anyones doing? Could I see myself in the future? Would this be harmful if so? if I found I died in the next few years wouldn’t that be a bummer on the next few years of life? That kind of thought it scary as well, and basically all of it is just straightup scary lol.

I don’t find astral projection[AP] interesting. What might be interesting is exploring why some people do. In terms of spirituality AP is a bit like magic or miracles and is considered a low level phenomenon by the more advanced yogi’s, buddhists, and mystics I have read. Shaman’s have claimed to practice it. What purpose do you understand that AP serves Club29?

I’m not sure what purpose it would serve except finding the astral plane and now knowing there’s more to life that just the physical world we live in. That’s been the big question. However, from what Ive read AP’s limits are almost unlimited. But if this is true people would be doing this all the time and even scientist would be finding out new things, new discoverys. And I’ve heard time travel was possible, if that’s so then why couldn’ I go back and see Jesus Christ? I feel however that there’s something wrong with AP. Even last night I couldn’t sleep out of fear of what I’ve been reading up on and letting my mind stumble too, I noticed as I was trying to fall asleep I’d suddenly wake up frightened with a jolt. I also heard a womans voice talking to me when I tried to fall asleep again. I’ve been warned since I was young about the dangers of the occult practices. I’m just confused, as usuall, as to whether something like AP is actually a real OBE that proves 7 planes exist, or just something demonic forces put into your head after allowing them to- something like quiji boards.

I dont know how one couldn’t find this as one of the most interesting things in the world. To be able to go where you want whenever you think it, travel there faster than light? … ection.htm

If a mental-dimensional system is developed, accessed or created which can travel to different planets, dimensions or places in time, then yes, it can be done.

“It doesnt seem real. Seems too good to be true.”
A nimble dimensional substance
Free from mass and linear tragectory
Isn’t exactly “too good to be true”.
It’s a subtle/“weak” substance or force, which can operate outside of the common kenetic and light-speed “limitations”.

If you wanna understand this spiritual stuff more “logically”, you’d need to study various physics and quantum-theory, etc.

And if you actually did put your friend under hypnosis…
Be very careful with that.
You could help people to get over traumas from their childhood, and subconscious defects, etc., if you become a skilled and insightful hypnotist someday.

I suggest you mainly do things in life for “medical” reasons. Increasing the health of yourself or another.

Most of society is under hypnosis of some sort, bad hypnosis; I mean, propaganda and parasitic damned commercials. They’re used and exploited and decieved from an early age, joining corrupt governments, religions, cults and culture movements. It’s a sad mess. Spend some time really thinking about that… about the way that the mind gets programmed, and who the main programmers are.

Sounds like you’re getting anxious. How do you feel about psychiatry?

Yeah I understand how serious hypnosis can be and I made and have been making sure I don’t go into any emotional questions or memories as that could mess him up. But he does get a good physical feel afterwords of being fully rested and soon I hope to give him good post hypnotic thoughts.

So basically in a way you release your energy as you become more aware of it through the subconsicous? But you can now move about through the energy state of the universe instead of just the physical mass, this way avoding the limitations that mass and other elements have on us. But even though that way may be more logical, it still is very spiritual is it not? Is the silver cord real? Or is this just symbollic?

I found somewhere people were dicussing Area 51, they said you couldn’t go inside and if you did you would be trapped there astrally because the government has protection even against astral projection lol? Anyhow very interesting stuff, surprising I know many many many people who have never even heard of it, much less a lucid dream.

Psychiatry is a good thing, except not always on the psychiatrists. And it sucks that pyschiatrists need to go to medical school to give prescriptions and pyschologists don’t. Thats how I feel about it, you?

I am for the reduction of suffering when it is possible. I think psychiatrist anbd clinical psychologist can be hepful sometimes. You may have experienced a hypnogogic hallucination which is not unusual. But you have been going through a lot of conflict and seem to be describing anxiety. If the voices or anxiety persist perhaps a psychiatrist could help, assuming you are not already seeing one, of course.

That silver-cord is non-sense. But it’s possible to build something like a silver cord, if you wanted one.

Yeah some people would get hit by “security” if they went to the white house in AP, while other guys wouldn’t have ONE SINGLE PROBLEM with it! Why? Well, it all depends on how someone connects their mind to stuff. It’s about mutual ressonations, usually. The way someone uses RV, empathy or ESP on a target, is by tuning in, so that their brainwaves match the vibration of the target object somehow.

Possibly so. I don’t have a shrink but if I did I’d tell him first off when I was in sixth grade I watched candyman, I sat in my bed so worried, scared, and obcessive over it I drove myself that very night into a panic attack. I couldn’t stop shaking, sweating, feeling sick, hopeless, scared, depressed, etc. I couldn’t eat much for a long time, and the thought of candyman and/or bloody mary in mirrors consumed my life. I would talk to everyone about it, and I felt it was so important to hear others advice. I was extremely nice to everyone, but I was severly unhappy and depressed. I was able to soon repress it and let it go, but it still comes up from time to time like now and I have to repress it again. So as you can see I get easily consumed not only with normal things but with spiritual fear even. I had four hours of sleep last night but while trying to fall asleep I worried about evil forces thereby having ‘mild’ haluncenations at best I would say. The womans voice was only a few words and I soon woke up and again trying to fall back to sleep in fear I’d jerk back to being awake and I did this for a while.

Seriously though what do you think about AP as far as what it is? A brainwashed drug trip without the drugs? Demonic mind tweakers? A real seperation from the physical world into the 7 planes to unlock the secrets to life? If not those then what?

Yep. You see kids, this is what happens when you try it, even just once.

There is no “higher physics”. Calling this “physics” stains the word.

the zeus:

This is a pattern you get used to over the years. You argue with someone in October about the rationality of Christianity, Problem of Evil this, Dawkins that. Then in November the “not enough evidence” skeptic is saying something about the virtues of astrology, candle magic, or astrally projecting themselves into Area 51. It just goes to show, skepticism is a tool we use- a means to an end- and not a position in itself.

Any refutation of the unknown is a form of blind-faith.
Have you read allot about documented OBEs, parapsychology and quantum-theory, or is it too “spiritual”?, and automatically “myth”?

While the absence of evidence does not constitute a proper refutation, a canny person can look at the pattern of the evidence available and make pretty good guesses as to what is unlikely.

Both Aristotle and Confucius argued that point, and I imagine a good many others have as well. Rejecting everything you haven’t directly experienced as not real isn’t a very useful way of living life (especially when the concept of time is questioned), but at the same time, blindly accepting everything you are told isn’t a terribly useful way of living life either. The best path lies somewhere in the middle and it is up to us and the authorities we trust to distinguish the absurd from the possible.

As for Astral Projection, I will say that the human mind is capable of perceiving a great deal without any of it being real. Imagination and suggestion are incredibly powerful things and can lead us down foolish paths.

Recalling a memory is purely an imaginitve process.
People imagine their memories.
Self-deception is quite logical, too, as someone firmly expects certain behaviors to be real, whilst firmly expecting other behaviors to be impossible, and also, if one firmly and only asks a certain KIND of question, they will only be capable of solving a limited variety of ontological problems.

I’d only encouraged him to study and test it for himself.

Mental experiments are quite forbidden, though, amoung the self-proclaimed moderns and"realists"; haven’t you noticed this?