Astral Projection

Do you believe astral projection is real?

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My little sister has taken up Paganism (she’s believed in that kind of stuff for years though) and believes in paranoral activities. She claims she and some of her friends can do astral projection.

She says she has communiated with her friends while they were all in astral form by using hand signals.

I am a bit skeptical of this and would like to conduct some experiments. Any good ideas?

Do you believe astral projection is real?

huh? why the heck would you communicate with hand signals in astral form!?!? That makes me spectical about whether or not they really can. Uh, yeah I believe so, but only because i tried it; unfortunately I suck at it. Uh, and experiments on astral projection, like all other psychic phenomenon, have a bad rep in America, but the Russians spent a lot of research on it so maybe you can look something up.

I’m a bit of a sceptic if anyone claims that its something truely mystical, i believe most things like that are just some kind of neurophysiological altered state of conciousness. Even near death experiences can be artificially reproduced by stimulating the temporal lobe, enabling us to produce these ‘mystical manifestations’

Schrodinger (1958) 'The World is a construct of our perceptions, sensations and memories. It is convenient to regard it as existing objectively on its own. But it certainly does not become manifest by its mere existence. Its becoming manifest is conditional on very special goings-on in very special parts of this very world, namely on certain events that happen in a brain.

while i am very skeptical on any such “astral projection” concepts, there are some ways you can go about experimenting if you feel so inclined.

inasmuch as communication is possible, we have to have what would be called a communication channel. there is some theoretical basis to decide wether two emitters/receptors are really communicating or not. consider this situation :

A acts as emmiter and it sends the signal S. you verify if B acting as receptor in fact receives signal S. if it does not, they are obviously not communicating. however, even if it does, it could be they are still not communicating, inasmuch as S might be an artefact of the medium (parasites for instance in the case of an antenna) or of B himself (most likely cause for a human mind).

If you go about it making A send signal S1 and B signal S2, you have not improved much, but just applied the situation above twice. it is in fact rather equivalent from a “does there a channel exist perspective” with sending S twice in a row.

It is obvious that making S2 a function of S1 or vice versa wouldnt make much difference.

In the particular case of human minds, picking a particularly bad chosen aleator signal (such as asking an english speaker to communicate a japanese text) could be a worng approach, because it might inhibit communication even more than it inhibits cheating.

the easiest way to check, i suppose, woudl be to pick obvious but not very verbalised concepts, such as some colors, some universals (truth beauty etc) and some states (hunger, sleepiness, fear) for your signals. pick say four well distinct ones in each cathegory. write some simple rules (ie if you feel red, you answer beauty) that are different for the two subjects.

then give one of them a starting point, and note what they say they receive. do say 4 such sessions over 4 distinct days, change the rules each day. ask them to write down if they make mistakes (ideally they dont). give them simple procedures (ie in the interval 15:00 15:05 you listen. in the interval 15:05 15:10 you answer etc etc) let them do about 16 or 24 such back and forth. pick rules and start point so you will have long periods (see below)

then pick up your data and analize it. first off see whats called penetration. see how many exchanges before they lose it. do averages, count averages.

then see “pick up” factor, this is the most important bit really. say we have this, row one correct row 2 actual notes, letters for cathegories, numerals for respective signal :

A1 B3 B2 C1 A2 C2 C3 A1 B3 … (as you see we have reached period, from now on it will just repeat same sequence. ideally use a longer periood, 8ish to 12ish)
A1 B3 B2 C2 C3 A1 B3 B2 C2

see the way they always mistake the B2 C2 instead of the correct B2 C1 ? but after that they pick up and go about it right, untill the next B2. this proves they are communicating, but you have a problem with defining the rules. if they went like

A1 B1 C3 A3 B2 B1 C2

situation would be very different. see for instance B1 went to C3 and later on to C2. tyhis sort of self contradiction makes us belive B1 is never heard. Also see how they never actually follow our rules ?

do some processing on your data, to notice self contradictions, pick ups (like in 1st example) and do statistical sampling. ie see for each term how likely is for another term to follow. if you get aproximately the same for all terms, in our example 8-8.5% for any of them, its a random distribution. if they seem to clog around a speciffic answer (positive correlation, like for instance correct answer is B2 and you get 50% B, 15% A and 35% C and furthermore, of that 50% B’s another 60% are 2’s) and that answer is the right answer, they are likely to be in fact communicating. how likely ? well depends how well the data corellates.

hope this helps.

It is totally real. (yet very much mis-understood)

You all have dreams yeah? That’s a form of astral projection. It isn’t so much that your mind ‘leaves’ your body, it’s more that your consciousness changes focus. In truth there is no body to leave, as even that is a focus and construct of consciousness. The difference between a dream and an “out of body experience” is only the amount of self-awareness involved. Remote viewing is also a version of this.

It gets really deep and convoluted, but anybody who practices it will learn more about themselves and the true nature of reality than if they spent 1000 years discussing ideas in forums like this.


Askewd, the question is how? I have been interested in this subject for awhile now but I wouldn’t know where to start. I am also skeptical about this but only because I have never tried it. For my personal learning experience I would be much in gratitude to you, askewd, if you could give a few pointers.

wouldnt it be fun if she just projected the pointers to you astrally ?

Oi Zenofella, I am a bloke ok! Maybe Ill call myself Askewfella.

Murdoc, it’s healthy that you are both Sceptical and also willing to seek first hand experimental evidence. Other people should take a leaf out of your book rather than dismissing something so easily.

Speak to me at and I will give you all the help you need. It’s really easy if your hearts in it.

That offer is open for anybody (as I realise a lot of you will not want to sound “crazy” by posting publicly about it)


a skew fellow ?

hehe now i belive you, see ? first time didnt sound convincing (and yes i had a list of possible answers that would have pointed either direction. the oi was like 70% of the mark ;p)

astral projection,
far seeing,
power of prayer,
The universe is full of *magic, ain’t it great!

*magic here meant as anything not currently verifiable and/or explainable by current science.

how did love get mixed in all that ?