Artistic, even.
Big red markers could have added some flare, though.
You’re probably thinking flair.
This is the best post. Ever!
… if you say so yourself.
Love your modesty liquidangel.
Oh, you mean the opening post?
I thought so too. Quite original.
It’s Ms liquidangel to you sangrain.
I haven’t even looked at this site in… since I was banned, but i had to comment on this picture.
I feel like someone should have done this far sooner. phpbb landmark right here!
of course it is, Ms Liquidangel, of course it is.
Hmm…looks like nobody said anything. (a familiar feeling)
Pandora, that says something…
Hmmm, de’javu
The quotes only go lower and lower…and the boxes only get smaller and smaller…
Pretty funny. And cool.

Pandora, that says something…
Hmmm, de’javu