A number of discussions on this board have brought home to me something I’ve understood for a while. Atheism – at least among those who choose to call themselves atheists, and especially among those who make a big deal of it – is misnamed. It’s not a belief that God or gods don’t exist.
It’s a belief that Christianity is full of shit, disguised as a belief that God does not exist. Consider:
Look at any thread on this board in which self-styled atheists are railing against “religion” or “theism,” and examine the particulars they tacitly assume to characterize religion, or to describe God. In every case, you will find that the only religion which fits those characteristics is Christianity, and the only description of God which they seem to recognize is the Christian God.
Try to present a religious idea which is emphatically non-Christian, and call that idea God. You will be taken to task by at least one self-styled atheist because what you are calling “God” doesn’t fit their preconceived (and completely Christian) notion of what “God” is. This is especially true if your description is sophisticated enough, and sufficiently consistent with science, that they are even inclined to agree with it.
Carefully peruse this board and look for an atheist argument against any religion other than Christianity. But don’t waste a lot of time, because you won’t find one, or if you do, it will be presented off the cuff and half-heartedly.
In short, the “atheism” of those on this board (and I would say those off it as well), is actually a rejection of Christianity and nothing more.
Mind you, rejecting Christianity is completely understandable to me. When it comes to mind-jobs, thought control, authoritarianism, and what Jefferson called (in reference to the clergy) “every form of tyranny over the mind of man,” there is no belief system of comparable scope and size that comes close to it. But I would submit that anyone who calls himself an “atheist” and makes a big deal of it has actually not fully succeeded in rejecting Christianity. Because if they had, it wouldn’t prey on their minds the way it seems to. A rebel is not free: he is trying to free himself. And someone who calls himself an “atheist” and spends a lot of energy arguing against Christianity, is still plagued by a fear of Hell, and is trying to shout down the nagging voice in his head that whispers of that fear.