National Autistic Society:
I applied to volunteer for the National Autistic Society.
Time past: I waited for some reponse, some notification.
Weeks past: A folder and a letter and a booklet arrived.
It informed me of a meeting I should attend the following week.
It explained in elaborate detail the pros and cons of Autism!
The document explained The Autistic Spectrum, upon which everyone finds themselves on some scale or other, or at least by social convention, so it postulates. It explained the difference in severity between Aspergers Syndrome and Autism and general Anti-Social behaviour.
(I wanted to add, out of pretense: …and collectively as a population we constantly demonstrate a generalised autism throughout society: whether it be a room of family members sitting in silence watching T.V. or one child raised predominantly by T.V. or general day dreaming and the lack of awareness of other people, or violence and imtimidation, or general ignorance and badwill.)
But things started to get strange: I started to recieve snail mail from the National Autistic Society on a daily basis, they invited me to groups, to sessions, to mentor meeting, to excursions throughout the City, to home visits and social events, social developments!
I started to become confused: I couldn’t tell the difference between their intentions. Was I being asked to become a voluntary? Or certify myself as Autistic? I began to get paranoid. I grew more uneasy with the idea of going to the autistic society, the awkwardness of meeting these new strange people, having to integrate myself, become a part of the fabric of the thing, it would take time, it would take work, I wasn’t ready for it, I felt weak poor, lacking in a confidence I so readily had available.
I lay in bed till early afternoon and slowly but surely began to suck on my thumb.
Father David!
Who is this man I see before me, gorging himself upon large pizza and cake!? Is this then not the Sin of gluttony!? Is this not then the fat bastardith Sin of greed embodied!
Look! Look, Father David! How the belt stretches! How the belly over flows with blubber! How the sweat coats! How the heart compensates! LOOK SIR! - what the excesses of your weight indicate as a sign of repression! What other Sins do you hide beneath that corpulent body!
As your mouth greases over and slimes with the fat of pigs, and on the grease of other animals as well! You fat fucking bastard - you disgust! You stinking piece of vile human effluvium! Your flatulence makes diarrhea recoil in disgust! You are a fatted calf, pink Son of christ, thorn prick of nature, brazen Son of Sodom, joke Catamite to the pederasts! You will be spit-roasted, pickled, deep fried, stripped and flayed - you fat fucking bastard…
[size=200]…WELCOME TO HELL![/size]