who can make this into an avatar that i can use on ILP? i’m an idiot when it comes to this shit.

private message me!

my man, I got you! I’ll pm when I come back from New York.

awesome! thanks man! hey are you back from iraq??

oh yeah, I’ve been back. My tan is almost going away now. You must have checked you PM already. But yeah, I’m just on this stupid computer spending the time before my flight.

congrats on surviving the mission to iraq. i can’t say i’d have gone willingly. (i’m not in the military though) …scary, scary stuff.

I guess. Well that is the whole purpose of joining the Marines. You sign a contract to die. So if you make it out in the four years alive you failed. hehe.

I mean, the second you take that oath, you have no free will. If you are willing or if you aren’t doesn’t matter. Which is why I don’t think I’ve done anything special. But thanks anyways. I appreciate it.

I got a big avatar.

I got a big avatar.

yes. you do. you also double post constantly. thanks for the …uh… “help”.

how in the world did you get your Avatar that big?

hey Dark Magus,

I can no longer see that pic you wanted. So I’ll make something up.

I made your Avatar small, but here is what your sig looks like. Look at your personal messages to see how to get that Avatar.

just testing out this avatar :sunglasses:

one more time

is it too small? I always have trouble creating Avatars that ILP can show.

i can’t get my avatar working.
i have an x under my name
fix that shit

Monooq what file extension is your pic? And how big is the file? I could always make you a custom one.

I dont know whats up with my Avatar.
Obviously its screeming error at me.

this works like a charm… thanks again! now i’ll be posting the most inane and useless stuff just to see my glorious avatar.

You’re a huge ChronoTrigger fan aren’t you :laughing: