Away topic #1(Transportation)

Ill Explain the away topics now, Since i do not have access to the net and this vast field of expertise i have tooken to writting my ideas down for later exposition here.

Transportation in the media such as star Trek shows matter going into a box then disapearing only to appear in another such box in a different space.

The idea is that your matter is stripped and encoded and then decoded to another place instantaniously. But i feel this is inefficient and wrong because matter can not be created or destroyed let alone transported faster than light(which may be proven wrong). SO i have Thought on this and added in a chapter from frankenstien

If matter enters box #1 and is to appear in box#2 then both boxes must have a reserve of matter. Take the homeless, dead bodies, atleast a set quota of all forms of known matter. Box #1 takes the matter of the body breaks it down to individual atoms and stores them correctly. Box#2 takes its own resivour of matter and reassembles the matter in the correct spots. A computer(computer#1) must have a SUB Atomic grid in the box and like an archeologist take and give each atom a physicial location or address. Then the data is sent to computer #2 where it takes the addresses and the resivour and puts everything back in its exact place.

That is the only way that transporatation can work. There is no chemical reaction the atoms of my body can go through to make them appear in another location.

BUT there is a few side Questions i have.
The most important question is related to frankenstien’s Can You make the monster live? If you assemble the matter and put it in its place will it live?

What effects would this proccess have on the body? or atleast the brain?
Good way to test the proccess is have a chimp and a bannanna in the box, when the chimp reaches for the food throw the switch. Upon the throwing both the chimp and the fruit should appear in the second box, the chimp should continue and eventually grab the fruit with out any noticable change. If it stops reaching for the fruit then obviously something has happend. (that is if the chimp is not distracted or has any distractions)

IF it does live(and thats a big IF) and there is no complications, Then could the data of what is to be assembled is storable. Then a madman could take some one else’s matter from the reserve and create an exact duplicate.

Lastly what about time travel? example The portal boxes work, they do not suffer any losses in resevour matter storage and continue to work for ten years. I then have my data stored in a computer of a trusted friend and the friend has no problems in my storage or his life that would stop him. He could then throw the switch and “reactivate” me ten years down the line. This makes it a time machine. If i had the excess matter I could reapear instantly and have a younger me appear ten years down the line.

:Crickets chirping:

It’s interesting and could fit in with the Holographic Universe that was posted on a different post. First if it was going to happen it must be in a vacuum, then with the use of sound wave’s perhaps controlled by computer’s that must be quantum sized. Then to position all the matter in the same place’s, keeping the person alive. I’m not reaally sure about this one, as there must be matter (human DNA) to be perfectly replicated, it could go faster than light; as einstein used the electron positioning(how you can send a electron from one side of the universe to the other in seconds by knowing the electrons exact position) to counter uncertainty principle.[which someone has done in a lab] but you need to send the information to the other computer which could only be transported slower than the speed of light.

Im not sure about all this though:-yet.

at least youve entertained and posted on the idea.

My thoughts on this machine of mine is that it would be more a replication device than the normal transporation idea people have. Mainly because the matter in the first box, or the person who enters the first box would be killed upon activation only to be reassembled in the second box.

yeah i totally agree. i aint never stepping into a teleporter cause doing so would be the end of your life and the beginning of a copy of yourself

One small objection I have to teleportation is that by ‘freezing’ the state of an entity and analysing every single aspect of each atom within it, recording that, transmitting it to the new location, you really shouldn’t even need to reconstruct the entity in the new location, because the mere act of analysing and recording information about the first entity - noting down all that data - needs to use a far greater amount of energy/matter than the entity to begin with. By writing it all down you’re effectively creating a mutated and vastly deformed model of the same entity, and then using that to try and fix up another one. I dunno, I’m not explaining myself. It just seems ludicrous to need a go between which is vastly more complex than either of the entities.

So, we’ll go wacky on it. I had an idea that quantum entanglement could relate itself to teleportation quite nicely and then came across this article on both subjects although it doesn’t really merge them sufficiently. For the uninitiated, quantum entanglement is the idea - which has been proved and observed - that two sub-atomic particles (and perhaps larger particles) are ‘related’ to each other in some way, so that when you change the spin of one quark, its sister quark adopts the same spin at exactly the same time. Destroy one quark, if you can, and the other will destruct as well.

That’s all very well and good, until you encounter the second observation: that the particles don’t need to be next to each other, they don’t need to be in the same room or lab, or the same facility, or country, or even galaxy as each other - as far as we can gather, it doesn’t matter how much distance you put between two of these entagled particles, they’ll still mimick each other. That’s crazy stuff.

In a tripped out theoretical existence, it would therefore mean that if you found a bunch of these particles, you could bring one set together in the form of a H20 molecule, say, and seven thousand light years away, you would create another molecule of water. That’s intergalatic replication for you, then if you could somehow sever the entaglement link, and break apart the original molecule, you’d effectively have achieved teleportation. Essentially, entanglement means that some particles in the universe are already linked to each other in a way that we cannot begin to understand, a way that has absolutely nothing to do with the speed of light, and signals that the speed of light restriction is more of an annoyance than anything else.
You might want to look into quantum entanglement with respect to computer processors, if you’re interested. Try in the tutorials section.

that is odd.

what will they think of next?

But as to your first point, I must say that the matter containment proccess would take way more energy than the recording and writing phase.

Frim an essentialist stancepoint, if I was transported would it still be me? Would it not just be a replica of me?

Metavoid, depends on your answer to the question, “Who am I?”.

Oh dear. :laughing:

it would be a copy. The original would be reduced to the sum of its parts and then parts seperated atom by atom.

I don’t think it’s not time travelling it’s cryonic.