Balkanization and Civil War Loom

Right, we don’t emphasize nourishing and detoxifying ourselves enough at the cellular and macroscopic scale, but compensatorily we’ve gotten very adept at managing the fallout.
It’s only a matter of time however before it becomes unmanageable, and then either we’ll have to change, or face extinction.

Sometimes I feel like forming my own party and promoting it on social media, or promoting an existing alt party like the new populist Peoples Party of Canada.

…each cell being indiscriminately knocked back to disrupt that cell’s energy production, and in turn disrupting the entire body’s energy output… regardless of input, as the cells’ ability to metabolise has been disabled by [insert your poison here] ergo modern ailments due to autonomic nervous system dysfunction.

For many, the question of cellular repair comes far too late, as irreversible illnesses have already struck both young and old… we can’t massage and exercise our cells, but yes… we sure can antioxidise them.

The extreme cell disruption would require an equally extreme recovery programme to enable us to crawl out of it, ergo… not for the faint of heart or the feeble of mind.

Edited to add:

The war is being waged not on Nations but on the individual themself, through the contamination of consumerable goods… so people are paying/funding themselves, to be killed. :laughing:

Yea it’s not easy to get your health back after neglecting it for so long.

Sometimes you need to do fasts, cleanses and calorie restrictive diets.

The YANG way to conquer an enemy is with superior technique and weaponry, or with superior numbers and resources, or just by brute force, sheer will and determination, but the yin way is to turn them into a big pile of psychic, metaphysical and spiritual goo that can be just pushed aside.
For historical reasons, some peoples have had to resort more to yin tactics than yang.
Over the millennia these peoples have gotten quite adept at it.

…or in these cases, your health neglecting you… as you have no say in it, for the matter is out of your hands.

…or just eat clean and avoid all injectables, otherwise permanent good health will be perpetually out of reach… although, while under the cell-disrupted influence, the body of some will automatically choose/default to the ‘restrictive’ option for you… I think it’s called survival mode. ; )

You fail to grasp the severity of the situation, thinking that modern dis-ease is down to bad lifestyle choices, and ignoring the fact that modern processed consumerables are toxic.

…disarm with charm, or with chemicals… depending on environment and audience.

Edited my previous post…


I think it’s rare we have no say in our health, even some so called terminal illnesses can occasionally be reversed, allopathically and/or naturopathically.
And sometimes they reverse themselves mysteriously.
Illness is almost always a combination of predetermined and autodetermined factors.
Bad genetics make us more vulnerable to many diseases, but I think it’s rare bad genetics cause disease, poor diet and lifestyle are usually the culprits.

Right if you get sick enough your body will go into calorie restriction mode, with or without your consent, which can help heal you.
I think fasting, cleanses and calorie restrictive diets may be necessary for those in dire straits, before they get to the point of potentially no return, but in general eating clean, eliminating environmental and topical toxins, exercising moderately and avoiding all or most medications all or most of the time, especially vaxx, is usually sufficient.
Fasting can help but of course long periods of fasting, especially for people with compromised constitutions, can be harmful, even fatal.
It’s also not a good idea to subject your body to much more stress than it’s already undergoing while on a lengthy fast.

Diet is a part of lifestlyle, altho I sometimes separate the two to emphasize diet as the most essential part of a healthy life style.
I haven’t failed to grasp the importance of reducing processed foods, that’s an assumption you’ve made.

Right, and to that we can add playing the victim card, guilt-tripping, or setting oneself up as a sapient, benevolent authority figure.

…and what if the cause is nothing but a simple injection of some jab or other? diet and lifestyle unquestionable… one’s health is not in one’s hands then, but one’s ill-health is.

An agreeable solution to ill health… especially avoiding all medications all of the time, especially vaxx… because they are toxic as f**k. That is one area of medicine that needs to be revisited and revised.

I don’t mean you per se, but the harm these foods do to our physiological makeup as Nations, and why toxic additives that had been banned were allowed back into the food chain in the first place… this is a known fact btw.

If the United States enters a physical political and social civil war I hope democrats and republicans kill each other as I hate both equally. I would also seek to make a profit for myself in the whole process.

The day where both republican and democratic imbeciles savagely murder each other in the streets would be a happy day for me. :slight_smile: Two birds, one stone. :smiley: