Beautiful and Ugly

All human behavior is based upon the perception of hope and threat, PHT. What is perceived as beauty by any one individual (human or not) is partially innate, genetics and also learned associations. Beauty entails a great many subtle factors, individually assessed, such as symmetry, color, shape, relative size, strength, health, prowess, intelligence, orderliness, manliness, softness,… All perceived associations combine to sum up to a perception (whether accurate or not) of the balance of hope and threat.

Thus literally every individual will have differing tastes and assessing the beauty of each thing differently. But despite the differences, there are many things that tend to be far more commonly perceived as either hope or threat than others. Such attributes are not truly universal, but merely far more common. Attributes associated with health tend to be one of those very common perceptions of hope. No doubt such is due to evolutionary influences and exist in all creatures. Attributes perceived as associated with ill health tend to be perceived as threat by all creatures. But there are other common attributes as well.

Beauty and the ugly, the beast within, are at times totally closed off, separated by a membrane of infinitely subtle durability, porously impenetrable not by design, but by the increasingly reflecting cavern in which it resides, fearful of breaking into the light, of reason destined to call back
back again.

This is the darkness from whence no light can shine through, it wants to borne again, to the degree it fears a prior mabifestation, with renewed earnest promise to remember that which was shut out, shut out by someone else but him,

This time please don’t call into the same trap, but which she again reach for that fruit of judgement for which Paris so calmly judged?

Such judgement rather, not be made for mixing the rhyme and reason.



A priori assumptions stemming from common individual human experience(s).

An individual experience precedes a perception of threat … absence of an individual experience precedes perception of hope.

Words that are not confirmed by individual experience are as transient as a fart in a wind storm … a whiff may visit your nose but this transient whiff is no substitute for the taste, smell, feeling and sound of your own farts.

Individual experience(s) … not carefully and thoroughly examined … are like a precious gift that sits on the kitchen table unopened.


Let me share one of this morning’s trivial experiences. After my routine internet surfing … felt like breakfast at KFC. As some of you know KFC is as closest to Western food available here … and it’s not exactly Western KFC.

I ordered my regular breakfast … 2 coffees and 2 bacon/egg hamburgers. The young girl explained to me … in Chinese of course … there is no coffee available. Suppose the disappointment on my face attracted the attention of another KFC employee … I’m probably their best customer. She tried to tell me there is no sugar and asked if I still wanted 2 coffees. I wasn’t exactly sure what she was talking about but I nodded my head up and down to indicate I will take what ever they have. Turns out to be two black coffees … I never use the KFC creamers.

So what’s the big deal?

I have drank more than 50,000 individual cups of coffee in my life and I don’t remember ever drinking a coffee without sugar. This morning I drank my first black coffee … it wasn’t so bad.

So what’s the big deal?

The experience … while not earth shattering … was unique. Suggests there is something significant/important in this experience.

My first thoughts were:

  1. You don’t always get what you want … what you ask for.

  2. Some bitter experience(s) is on the way.

After more light hearted contemplation the notion “unique” kept cropping up … my first black coffee. A harbinger? … something unique is on the way … be vigilant.

Who the hell knows eh! :slight_smile:

Most people would say … “Who the hell cares!” :slight_smile:

I do!

Word the speaker should seriously reflect upon (as in mirror).

There was absolutely zero “assumptions” involved in:



Implicit assumptions or error(s) of omission … choose your poison. :slight_smile:

I ‘see’ threat and hope as tools to move us in the direction we are supposed to go.


And why would “the Lord” be doing it, if it didn’t work?

It is an irrefutable fact, no omissions, no errors.



What a delightful sense of humor! :slight_smile:

If A=B and B=C than A=C



