I looked at my calender, it is National bump an Old Thread Day. Wee
To add something constructive to this discussion.
If you place any kind of ‘value’ on things like Beauty, Intelligence, or lets say, Physicality ( to encompass physical strength, speed, dexterity, etc) then one might ask what sort of benefit does one receive from their gift (if they be so gifted) and how does Society benefit???
In a Hunter/Gatherer type Society I would say that Intelligence and Physicality both offer great benefits, with Physicality more short term than Intellignece ( My assumption here is that it is Intellignet men and women who advance a society through thought). That said, Physicality puts food on the table (Although Intelligence can make this easier) and serves to protect that table when another tribe comes running out of the hills.
Beauty, in this Society, might serve as a kind of inspiration… the world sucks, you only live 40 years and then die in horrible pain most likely, but damn Briganug shure is purty. So it has some value, nothing immediate though.
In modern times, Physicality is good to have around when you are walking down Bourbon Street during Mardis Gras, and it is definately great to watch at various sporting events, and still comes in handy during times of War, but it is not so immediately important.
Intelligence, on the other hand, allows you to process information and classify information that keeps your Nation safe. It allows you to invent bigger and better bombs, guns, and microwave ovens. It creates medicines that prolong life and eases suffering. It argues Laws that further Man’s pursuit of a perfect form of justice. It comes up with ideas like telephones so you can call your friends and tell them about the fight you got in during Mardis Gras. It creates automobiles and AirPlanes that allow you to travel across great distances without the risk of being eaten by wild animals. It may one day tame mother nature, lead to incredibly long life spans, cure all diseases. Put an end to world hunger, etc etc etc etc.
Why Intelligence should be appreciated in the modern world really needs no explanation
Beauty though… Beauty will get more beads tossed to you for flashing your girly or guy bits to the public at mardis Gras. Beauty may get you better jobs then what you deserve, and may increase your potential number of romantic partners, so it may have great value to the Beautiful person, but to a modern society… Beauty now is but a cheap whore… easily purchased for display on every street corner… You cannot watch a television program now (except in the UK ) and go five minutes without seeing some beautiful person. The modern world has come to despise beauty… intelligent people often wrongly assume that because someone is Beautiful, they must be possess a smaller amount of Intelligence. People blessed with the gift of Physicality just sneer and point out that not many beautiful people could knock out Mike Tyson. Beauty gets no respect.
I don’t think that it is entirely fair. For example, if tomorrow, all the truly Beautiful people in the world decided that they would lock themselves up inside their homes so that no one could ever see them again, the world would miss something… miss something Beautiful.
Beauty has value, if only to itself. It should be appreciated. The fact that it is worshipped is not so much the fault of Beauty as it is the sad fact of life in this modern world of Nascar and NFL, and microwave ovens and telephones and diseases and cures and all that… that we still need the Beautiful.
Thats my take, anyway