So, what is beauty?", you have asked.
It could be many things.
For instance, something it could be,
The notes a song bird sings;

A flower’s bloom; an eagle’s flight;
The fragrance of a rose;
The way that from a tiny seed
That lovely flower grows.

It too can be a growing child,
A sparkle in the eyes
Of infants learning how to walk
Then reaching for blue skies.

It is a feeling that’s within
We get when we “reach out…”
To find another piece of us
We can’t become without.

A tender touch from one we love,
A mother’s warm embrace,
A welcome smile and tears of joy
Like diamonds on a face.

The drink of water from a stream
And breathing in fresh air.
Our ‘Mother’s’ other gifts to us
For showing that we care.

Then beauty is to feel again
After a tragedy
That seemed to leave a hole inside
We felt we could not flee.

Because beauty is in “the eyes…”
I could list many more.
But all will have the same effect;
It makes our spirit soar.

two thumbs up for this one DEB

lhw – AKA: The Straight-faced Clown AKA: M.C. Tape-Hiss

Thanks again lhw. Two thumbs up to you too. I hope your job is going well. I never did see you last poem. Apparently you wrote it with a special ‘ink’ that only a few people saw. It seemed like a significant event motivated the poem. I trust that it was a positive event that will spawn other creative activity. Take care. Your comments are always welcome. They are sincere and made expecting nothing in return.

I don’t think asking What is beauty and then listing a bunch of cliches constitutes a poem but maybe that’s just me.

That poem you reference should be readable if you’re logged-in. When I posted that poem, I chose to customize the text color to white so that it would show up bette than the lt-bluedefault text color against the navy blue background ILP uses when you’re logged-in. If you were trying to read it when not logged-in, try reading it when logged-in and give me some feedback should it indeed be readable. If the poem continues to be unreadable even when you’re logged-in, I will edit the poem and reset the text color back to the default lt-blue.
