I’m sure this has been discussed numerous times in this forums past, but presently I am greatly interested in what it means to find peace from within. Lets abandon religious and spiritual meaning here for, although useful, these meanings can misconstrue reality. They more often than not reflect reality, but strict adherence to a certain code of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour ultimately distracts us from finding true peace.
I’m not sure what exactly i mean by peace. But for me, finding “inner peace” (could not avoid that cliche if I tried) is about getting a regular satisfaction out of life. I think I was most at peace with myself when I was a child. Obviously there is a lot of turmoil created by the emotional distress of growing up, but the experience is if anything a complete delight. Childhood is spent sheltered from the harsh realities of an evolutionary playground. The troubles of our world are created by natures inner turmoil, the very nature of existence dictates that when there are finite resources and multitudes of different organism’s… there will be competition. As a child we are sheltered from this experience, totally oblivious to the task which lies ahead of us.
If you have a healthy childhood, you will stand a decent chance of success. Some grow up and either become totally accepting or completely disillusioned by the whole trauma of becoming an adult, forming solid opinions of the world around us. Who else found this difficult? Sure, the ideas came thick and fast… but they were ever changing, evolving. Discovering hard truths about reality… was hard.
Childhood represents a period in our lives which is most satisfactory, all of our needs are attended to with little effort on our own behalf all for the sake of our greatest need… the need to learn. As children we are obsessed with learning and understanding the world so that we may better manipulate it. Our heads are then filled with what we can only know are truths, statements of reality which fit with our own experience of existence. As adults many of us feel satisfied with what we know and feel to be true of reality and just get on with it. Many others, like myself and members of this forum, find themselves craving knowledge in an attempt to further grasp at the idea of reality and how it relates to us. Like the child-self gone past, you still desire a better understanding of your environment and your species within it.
I guess that what inner peace boils down to is learning how to effectivley satisfy ones needs. I believe there are around 12 or more important aspects to life which, if satisfied, can provide a feeling of inner peace. A feeling of satisfaction, acceptance even.
Perhaps inner peace can be found in acceptance of reality as you can understand it, or perhaps there are those who have to satisfy their need to better understand reality by constantly craving for knowledge, solid truths. I suppose philosophy is a mix of both lust for solid truth and gradual acceptance that solid truth cannot always be attained. Im tempted to argue the importance of attending to ones needs, but perhaps acceptance has a role to play. For many it brings peace and content.
What do you feel brings inner peace?