being ,thought

what does being mean ???to figure that out we first have to ask ourselves what are we really asking ???are we talking about existence ?? no I think not , a chain exists ,a clock exists . fundamentally you are an individual secluded from the outside world . or are you ???rather then straying into the question of life let us stick instead to being . we are here we are aware but aware of what .you would say "aware of the world of course "!!!but what we see and hear are creations of our own .I could ask you " is my red the same as your red "??? and you would think of course red is red !!!its a color just like any other .yes that is true , red is red . but you can not know if in fact the red I see is the red you see . you can not (unfortunately) see thru my eyes and vice versa . so how can you know ???where is the proof of reality if you can not define being around what you see and taste and touch ??? than what should you base it on ???I believe ( and belief is one of the keys to being but ill get into that anther day I hope ) in asking the original question we can not use what we call the real world as our basis for understanding . rather we must use thought . my thoughts your thoughts the thought of everyone as a whole . that I THINK is where the true meaning of being resides , in the mind in the ability to think . because we can not see them or feel them thoughts are less of an illusion. the screen you are reading and the keyboard your using are no more than figments which your mind tells you feels and looks a certain way . Using thought to create reality your body/mind/brain shapes your whole existence so if everything else is based off of thought the ‘being’ itself foundation must lay in thought ???

True,-that I THINK is where the true meaning of being resides.

The hurdle is that many beleive that they are the body. The body is in constant flux, a product of a fluctuation in space, ever effervescing and sloughing cells, and upon close examination it’ll disappear into space. We are not the body but the experience that it is having. We are the ‘thought".
An indicator that the person thinks of themselve as the organism are statements like "…it is still boggling my mind… ", “The nature of our consciousness leads…” . This shows that they think are something else. And that something else owns the consciousness, mind, and thought. Ask for them for the definition of “my” and "our’.
The old concepts of physics has minds lost in it.

The brain upon closer examination will disappear into space. Then thought comes from space. And thought is the “being”. The being comes from space.

It’s true that people usually define or identify themselves as a conscious entity that exists independently of their mind and body. Many people refer to this conscious entity as their “soul”. But what is the true nature our conscious self? I have a theory which seems logical to me and if it is correct means that there can be no such thing as a soul or an afterlife. I throw out the challenge for anybody reading this to find any holes in my theory.

To begin with, I contend that there are only three rational methods by which we can define or identify ourselves as individual beings; by our physical self, by our present state of consciousness and by our memories. A religious or spiritually-minded person might also say that we can define ourselves by our eternal soul, but what does a soul consist of if not consciousness and memory? Without consciousness and memory the term “soul” is meaningless. The same can be said of the term “mind”.

Moreover, as we cannot remember every past event of our physical life, we cannot take it for granted that the entity which we currently recognise as our “mind” or “soul” is the same entity that was associated with our physical self during those forgotten events. Likewise, we cannot take it for granted that the same entity will be associated with our physical self during future, unforeseen events. For this reason, we must reduce the concepts of “mind” and “soul” to their core components of “memory” and “present state of consciousness” when defining ourselves.

So, given the three possible ways in which to define ourselves, any event that we can’t remember and can’t foresee, and which we aren’t experiencing right now, can’t be defined as “our” experience in any sense other than the purely physical (as it belongs neither to our memories nor to our present conscious experience). Or to put it another way, any past event that we can’t remember, and any future event that we can’t foresee, was not and will not be experienced by our present conscious self.

For example, it is typical that we do not remember our own birth, but we know that it was experienced at one time by our physical self. So any consciousness that may have been present at that time to experience that event cannot be defined as “our” consciousness except in the sense that it was at that moment associated with our physical self. Likewise, any unforeseen event that our physical self will experience in the future will not be experienced by “us” in terms of our present conscious self, but by another consciousness that will happen to be associated with our physical self at that future point in time.

Furthermore, unless we are clairvoyant we can’t foresee the future (and nobody can foresee the whole future), therefore the next upcoming moment in time is never experienced by our present conscious self. So each moment in time must be experienced by a different conscious self. Therefore we cannot exist as a continuous conscious entity, but only as individual moments of consciousness. Our existence as a continuous conscious entity is an illusion, much like the illusion of continuous movement which is created by a film projector. The series of individual moments of consciousness that we conceive to be our “mind” or “soul” are in reality unconnected to each other, except by their association with the physical self. So as the soul, by defintion, is supposed to exist independently of the physical self, in reality it must not exist at all.

Another conclusion to be drawn from the non-existence of continuous consciousness is that just as past events which we can’t remember were not experienced by our present conscious self, past events which we can remember were not experienced by our present conscious self either (as our present conscious self didn’t exist until this moment). Our memories must then be the past experiences of our physical self only, and are thus an essential factor in the creation of the illusion of continuous consciousness. In short, our memory can’t be trusted.

If our existence as a continous conscious entity was indeed a reality, we would remember preceding events of our life and foresee upcoming events of our life just as clearly as if we were experiencing them right now. Only under those circumstances could we be certain that continuous consciousness was real and not an illusion, and thus deny the theoretical possibilty that our mind consists of individual moments of consciousness connected only by our physical form. Because, as I have demonstrated, to accept the possibility of the theory of individual moments of consciousness is to accept the reality of it.

So as we do not remember preceding events and foresee upcoming events with the clarity of present experience, we cannot exist independently of our physical self as a continuous conscious entity. This being the case, there can be no such thing as a soul or an afterlife. We have nothing to fear from death, however, as “we” have never really existed anyway.

We are a metaphysical entity.

A 25 year old human calls it’self" Mary.

At birth that human had no identity.
It was not born Mary it became Mary.
What if:
25 years ago the human is swapped with another human the same age. That replacemnet human recieves the evironmental inputs. The same identity will appear and it will become Mary.

Mary was never born, she was thought up.

25 years ago that mind is an enlighten master of awarenss. It saw the world without formulas, prejudices’, wants, or language.

Descates said “I think therefore I am” he should have said “I am thought”.