Believers, why the holy land ?

For any believer in Islam, Jewish or Christian, may I ask why is it so important to live in the so called “Holy Land” aka Israel - lebanon ? Would god want people to kill each other to live in this small piece of crap of land ? I mean according to the holy books, how do these people justify the fact that they fight over a small piece of land, when god gave us the whole world to live in ? Isn’t the rest of the world just as good if not even better ? Aren’t these Jews and Palestinians committing a sin by insisting on living in that small land and fighting each other for it ? Is this not a sin ?

The whole population of Jews and Palestinians may be at most 20 million, well they could all fit comfortably in a single American state like Montana. If you look at the North and South American continents there is a huge amount of land available just look at all the Canadian, Brazilian and Argentina wilderness ! Even in the US there is much land still available. Why don’t they all decide to live in the Americas and start all over again instead of fighting to live in the holy land ?

If we lived in a rational world, all the Palestinian and Jews would indeed move to the Americas. They could start all over again in peace and probably become two very well off communities. Some of both are already in the US and South America anyways ( I think there are many Lebanese in Brazil …).

But then who would they fight ? How could they have all the fun and emotions and conflict with ? It would be too boring, so they will remain in Israel killing each other off, and disputing who was there first, whose religion is the right one etc.

Just an example of how useless and stupid people are, with all their science and research, they can’t find anything better than kill each other over who is supposed to be in the so called “Holy Lands”, what total idiots.

Saying that something is holy and owed to them, is basically their way of demanding it for themselves. It’s a self-righteous request, seen internally as a delusional debt.

Hey, come on Christians, Jews and Muslims, can’t you answer my question ? Is it morally correct to kill your brothers over who is supposed to live in the holy land ? Where in your holy books does it say to kill your brother because he is occupying your holy land ?

If you find the passages that justify this, then this will just show exactly what kind of “moral authority and respectability” these religions have.

In fact you believers are all afraid of answering this question lest you finally reveal the true nature of your religions and expose them for what they are: INSTRUMENTS OF SATAN, TOOLS OF THE DEVIL! And in fact the holy books warn to BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS AND FALSE RELIGIONS!

Someday you’ll see that truth and reality are the greatest threat to “human” values, ever. You’re wasting your time. Humans root out and crush all of the “truth” which they can.

So Dan match pattern (awk or perl computer language) what is this great truth ?

  1. that man’s mind is a piece of crap, his logic is useless and a game of circuits executing random code;

  2. that if something is contended, if people fight for something, it acquires great value only because people fight over it, like the holy land, like any piece of turd on a sidewalk someone calls modern art and asks for millions of dollars for. Value is created only when others want the same thing, only when two people want that same crappy item, and alas all items in this universe are total pieces of crap including my humble self.

  3. that the laws of physics are bizzarre quirks, that god probably doesn’t exist (maybe ?), that the design of this universe could have been any other imaginable, that existence is a farse, everything exists and doesn’t.

  4. that there will never be a way to decide if god exists, or any other item for that matter, since there is no way to obtain absolute security, unless you violently decide to affirm and assign it arbitrarily, and force your truth upon the universe against all and any evidence, and even against the fact that your truth is false. You just assign, confirm and force what you want upon the universe and existence, all else that contradicts this is false.

It very clearly tells the Jews to do this in the Torah.