Ben & Atheism

Ben, a messenger is there to deliver. Are you trying to convert religious to atheism? If so then of course there might be argument. Just as much argument would occur if a theist tries to convert an atheist. But, it also depends greatly on the attitude of either messenger. Respect for the other’s belief and respect for the person in general changes any conversation attitude.
If you want theists to not disrespect you then forgo using inflammatory words and attitude. Words that cause a person to get defensive. “You are wrong” "Its impossible " etc etc.

I allow those that believe to believe without harm and in return they do the same.
You may say they shoot the messenger but, generally that is after the atheist or theist claims forcefully that one belief fits all. And that is dead wrong. Some of the best conversation I have ever had was with an elderly devout christian lady. We sipped ice tea and enjoyed a gentle debate. We never tried to convert or hurt each other. We enjoyed our time.

The message is pure, the messenger, human.

If people were healthy within themselves, they wouldn’t give a fuck who I am.

They’d read the message, and judge it on it’s own merits.

Yet, when given the message, how do people react?

Be the change that you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

I’ll grudgingly turn the other cheek, even if they don’t see it.


Because I’ve no one to kiss my wounds but myself.

And I can only kiss so many wounds.

The message is pure?

That’s because you have taught your self not to give a fuck about anyone else and claim your self to be healthy in doing so. Then you tell me you love me, and you do; but you’re stuck in a mindset of ‘I don’t give a fuck who he is.’ when really, all you’re saying is ‘I don’t give a fuck who I am.’

By giving a fuck for who everyone else is, that is how you truly give a fuck about who you are. You gave up on your self and now urge everyone else to do the same and you can’t understand why try to reach you and bring you back. You are not grounded or balanced, you are just a fool.

I was thinking more of the martyr syndrome based on narcissistic personality.
The message is pure… what goes off in your head when you read that? Then go back over his threads.

That you’re right. I can be narcissistic; but that’s not all that I can be. I know what I can look like to others, but it’s not about that; it’s about what you fight for. Even Tony Stark made a great hero. There’s plenty of narcissists in history to learn from. It’s why I don’t worry too much about my own death; it’s why I don’t want power even though it’s human to strive for it. I don’t want to abuse that power and that is my choice no matter what my faults may be.

Every great man in history has had an impediment of one sort or another. Not all of them managed to rise above it. Will I be different? I hope so.

You go ahead and keep being respectful of others beliefs and letting them believe what they want to, but it really only hurts the long term because what a good many believe will harm the long-term. You are afraid of putting your self out there and so just accept others and their beliefs even if you know those to be harmful; because you believe that peace will shine through the longer we have such a confused system, because it brings you peace in the short term.

In the long-term, such brings only chaos and unrest; such only breeds worse futures for those that come after you. You live in peace, but what of those who can’t? You turn your face and pretend they aren’t out there, content in your peace enough to never fight for them. You never risk your self and put your self on the wire; at least not from what I’ve seen. You play it safe.

Respect is more than just respecting someone as they are; it’s respecting the full of who they are and helping them be that. Now, I do respect you and see that your way is needed; but it isn’t the only way that is needed at this moment. If your way was the only way being used, you would find your self quickly over-ran by all that is wrong in this world. If my way was the only way being used, it would just as surely bring the world to destruction. At this point. I will tread the thin line between going overboard and not; I will dance in the fire and stay there as long as I possibly can. I will lift this world up and put it back to order and that is not simple narcissism; that is pure and unadulterated belief. I am raised up by the Earth as I seek to raise it up and I have no regrets.

Confident altruists have a really hard time relating to the hypersensitivity of the defensive populous.

He who tries to be a friend should expect to be seen as an enemy, if not immediately, eventually.

Most definitely. It can not be avoided.

In fact, it happens a lot. Just recently, a friend I’ve known for 11-12 years suddenly saw me as an enemy. Jumped to conclusions instead of trying to ascertain the full of the situation. I continue being a friend and I will tell them exactly how it is. In fact, I told my friend the other day when he thought I was fucking him over that it’s not just about him. I told him that until he pulled his head out of his fucking ass to fuck off.

The whole thing had to do with the guy who was hitting me up for pot about a week ago. The one I thought might try to fuck me over for a momentary come-uppance. You read that post, Kris. I was walking over to my friends house and ran into this guy and knew there was no way to avoid it, so I had to talk to him. I talked to him frankly and he seemed to respect me for it; it was refreshing to him. He told me so: ‘I’ve never had anyone talk to me like this before; I respect the way you handled things.’

Now, this doesn’t mean I fully trust that man even though there were parts I could trust. The only way to trust others is through embracing a certain amount of distrust and grounding it. He took me over to my friends house, who had told me he didn’t want anything to do with the cocksucker. We sat in my friends driveway for a little bit talking and then my friend came home and didn’t say anything right away. I helped him carry water bottles in because his water pump is broken and he’s been too busy to fix it and then we sat down and he started to rip me a new one over bringing dude to his house.

I didn’t even feel like explaining the matter to him at the moment. I understand his problems, but his problems mainly stem from uncontrolled paranoia. He didn’t even stop to consider that I was just handling my own problems and hadn’t meant to disrespect him. As a long-term friend of his, I know he’ll cool down and I can go talk to him later and tell him the full story and have him be understanding.

Many of my friends and I have been at each others throats before and it only ever makes our friendships stronger. I fit in everywhere where I used to think I fit in nowhere. I can move from crowd to crowd and from person to person and know that even though things get rough, some things never change. These people that I knew and know may some times mess up, but who they are at their core; as conflicted as they may be; will not forget it; and as they move to screw me over, so too shall they feel the pain of that even more than I.

And the thing is, I’m not perfect either. There have been moments recently where I was not myself and was getting paranoid and impatient and thinking my friends were avoiding me. I struggled and overcame that and then made it up to them. We’re going to see each other as enemies at times; especially when we can’t come to terms with the fact that WE are EACH of us our own worst enemies.

Id, I hope what you said helps him and you are right to a point. But, you missed the part about martyr. His antitheism is about sending a “pure message” while being human. The “message” is important, not the human. What theist is the most worldwide known martyr? Hint: It starts with a J.
An Atheist savior?

I’m worried about Arc.

Hope she’s safe and well

That’s a given.
What do you think inhibits an individual from being loving, caring and decent?

Why would you be bothered by that if you firmly believe that there is no God? If it bothers you than you probably do not have the courage of your convictions. Why pay attention to others’ beliefs unless you are not sure.

Only you can answer that - honestly and humbly.

If something is bothering you about something, then there is something there to look at. Is it possible that you are not being honest with yourself?


Oh no. You can be lost again. :evilfun: The only difference now is that you have the confidence to know that you will find your way back again if you want to. Trusting yourself means that no matter what, you will be able to handle it. Sometimes it’s the getting lost and staying lost for a little while that brings us to the place we were really meant to be. We have to remember this as we’re lost because sometimes it’s only in hindsight that we discover it.

After all, how can we really find ourselves if we’re never lost?

Any person that is filled with love believes in God no matter how much they deny it openly. Believing in God in the modern age is parallel to believing in love and compassion. No atheist is going to give a shit enough about the world to save it from itself, because they’ll lack the proper perspective that believing in the concept of God brings to the table. They may do it for their own gain and then ruin the world after, but the true saviors have always been believers. Look throughout history and name me one that was not. Even Genghis Khan was a Shaman and a believer.

There is no ‘pure’ message without belief in love and the concept of God; there is only chaos. That’s what people don’t understand. Believing in God is not the important part! It’s what believing in God brings that’s important. And, he ain’t saving shit with that approach. Look how lame and incohesive it is. He lacks the strength of his convictions because he remains divided within himself and playing the fool.

At this point, I don’t care if what I said helps him or not. He dug his own grave and continues to do so because he refuses to accept certain truths about himself that would help him greatly find a center of balance. You want to try to get his back, you can; but it’s not worth it. He already turned around and spat on you, too; and he’s going to keep doing it, now, because he has no incentive not to. You showing him love? He’s just waking all over that, same as he did to me. Fuck him. He ain’t saving shit; not even himself or his nephew. His nephew is likely to be permanently fucked in the head his entire life because of him.

Uum, hon, I am an atheist. I love and care. I have no god in me unless love caring and giggles is a god.
But I think you are right about him. Just not all atheists.

you can claim whatever you want to claim, but that doesn’t mean you’re being truthful to me or your self. You’re going to tell me you never asked God for anything in your life; never talked to him; never did anything of the sort. I find that kind of hard to believe and I think you’re full of it.



Fear & Ignorance.

I do not doubt my position. I feel negatively persecuted for it.

Why does it bother me?

The ignorance of others, constantly challenges and threatens my well being, and their well being.

Those who dismiss me, then feel justified to ignore the message. This is a problem.

Read what I quoted of Idioms, and his last response to Kris.

Do you think that constitutes negative discrimination?

Honest - honorable in principles, intentions, and actions; upright and fair:

Yes, I am being honest.

Is it possible others aren’t being honest with me?

Take for example: Idioms.

I agree with Kris, that he’s definitely not being fair to her.


Right about me, wrong about you?

That’s convenient.

Tell me, what do YOU, the wise Kriswest, where am I incoherent? Where am I lacking in conviction?

And for the record, asserting that someone is a delusional narcissist for expressing the power of love, is ad hom.

Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr. , Nelson Mandella?

All delusional? They expressed truth, in spite of adversity.

What do you think I’m being dishonest about?

Justify your assertions, Kris.

Or… You’re just attacking the messenger, not the message.


Everywhere, Joe. I have pointed it out to you in numerous aspects. Fuck off and die. You don’t get to sit there pulling this shit on other motherfucking people; especially after you just got done pulling it on me. Now you want proof and evidence when you’re dealing with Kris, because you know she’s not going to give it. Just knock it off you piece of shit. Quit trying to drag people down to your level just because you’re weak.

The charade is over. I have already pin-pointed all of your little fucking alter egos here. Now, I’m going up to the mods and Carleas themselves, because something is very, very wrong. YOu’ve played a marvelous game of changing faces, you little bitch. You’ve got a technological gift and you fucking squander it, like the piece of shit you are.

A fair, honest, loving man?



Fear & Ignorance.

I do not doubt my position. I feel negatively persecuted for it.

Why does it bother me?

The ignorance of others, constantly challenges and threatens my well being, and their well being.

Those who dismiss me, then feel justified to ignore the message. This is a problem.

Read what I quoted of Idioms, and his last response to Kris.

Do you think that constitutes negative discrimination?

Honest - honorable in principles, intentions, and actions; upright and fair:

Yes, I am being honest.

Is it possible others aren’t being honest with me?

Take for example: Idioms.

I agree with Kris, that he’s definitely not being fair to her.


Right about me, wrong about you?

That’s convenient.

Tell me, what do YOU, the wise Kriswest, where am I incoherent? Where am I lacking in conviction?

And for the record, asserting that someone is a delusional narcissist for expressing the power of love, is ad hom.

Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr. , Nelson Mandella?

All delusional? They expressed truth, in spite of adversity.

What do you think I’m being dishonest about?

Justify your assertions, Kris.

Or… You’re just attacking the messenger, not the message.
