Ben's ipod

Way I see it, many of us have benefitted greatly from this site, or at least we get a LOT of use out of it. In fact, it probably ranks in many of our top 3 past-times. For some of us it really enriches our lives. Let’s not take it for granted. It’s a complicated goliath of a site. Well thought out forum structure. A huge database of past posts. I don’t care what Ben does with the money. Give him a 5-spot for gods sakes. An ipod is the least we can do. It’s not easy to ask for money. If Ben’s asking it means he really needs it. Ben needs you. He was there when you needed him – he knew what you needed before you did. Let’s be there for Ben!

The cost of a hamburger and fries! the cost of a movie!

I had a thread like this before… even a small amount every month would give Ben some kind of reimbursement for his time not to mention the cost ot the site. If everyone gave even $2 a month it would add up. Ben can look forward to a regular donation from me - we all find some kind of benefit from ILP. I do look forward to it, and I know most of you do too. C’mon… get on the paypal bandwagon people! :wink:

Thanks Ben!

Nice to see folks care about staff. I hope he gets the Ipod, cause I’m up next. Looking for … :laughing:


Ben and ILP staff,

You all are awesome, so am sending in my last dime.

yes its all very nice that you want an ipod… but what about me… i want new cymbals for my drumkit… is anyone gonna donate money to me? No… god wot do you have to do around here to get new cymbals ones that dont invert so you can actually make some proper music… thats right making music is a contribution to the world!! I would like to give you some cash but i am so low on it myself that itd be stupid to give you some…

Yes, but what the hell have you done for people to want to give you money? Do you plan on reading Gamer’s post in its entirety?

well its not about what i have done its what i am going to do… once i have new cymbals i wil be able to make music. I think music is very important. what has ben done anyway?

Without Ben we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Which, really isn’t all that bad.

He created these forums.


What has Ben done? Well, you’ve managed to post comments, ask questions at least 87 times because of what Ben has done. This forum exists because of what Ben, with the help of a few friends, have done. Nothing like a free lunch, huh?


i’ve made more posts than ben, hence I should rightfully get the ipod



uhhh, Zeno, You’re in line behind me and a whole bunch of other people… :stuck_out_tongue: Screw it. Help Ben get the Ipod, and then we’ll all have a go at it.


at ben or at the ipod ?


I figured Ben started the thing, makes sure it continues, and has the most sweat equity and any out-of-pocket expenses that have incurred since the beginning. I have no idea what staff actually does other than be middle road. But if staff feels worthy of money, go ahead, make an argument.

Hi Gamer,

Worthy? Who said anything about being worthy? :laughing:


i still have no idea what he does that actually deserves an ipod nano…i moderate another site and its easy… just deleting spam… looking at posts… no problem… infact i could moderate this massive forum easily to but i wont ever get an ipod for it…

Angst, he’s not a moderator. He’s the OWNER! Not only that, but he’s a much loved one. If you don’t want to give him money, don’t. Up to you. He’s a good lad, he deserves a bit of pleasure since we have all had so much pleasure for free. Where I’m from we help our friends out. A couple of friends helped me raise money for a car once. My car kept breaking down and I they got together and raised money to help me get a new one.

If you can’t afford it nobody minds if you don’t give him money, if you can afford it and don’t want to give him money, nobody minds…really Angst, get over it.


i am over it… i was never under it. I will start my own site… and it will be much loved by lifeless people who will give me loads of cash… ha ha youll see… ill be rich… and i will finally be able to afford some new cymbals…

that’s the spirit, now go for it.

Once i get my pay pal account working i am seriously going to get people to give me donations for new cymbals… not sure if im going to make a website… perhaps i will invade as many forums as possible an ask for feable amounts such as £2…then eventually i will be able to afford them!!!

I think this thread is veering off the important topic under consideration. i.e. me and my ipod. :smiley:

Like angel said, donate, don’t donate, it’s really up to you. But we live in a material world…

And I am a material girl.

  • ben