I have this concept which hit me this afternoon and i’d like to see where it is in the collective mind (i.e internet )
If your a biological determinist, christian or whatever your not gonna like this…and please i don’t mean to sound like an ass… but i’ve had plenty of those kind of conversations and i find them boring. do i need to write a disclaimer??? i dunno…
To put it all into context i was having a discussion about sex and gender and basically we were operating under the common assumption that all gender is essentially an act/performance. I was directed to the writings of Judith Butler, (and all previous arguments of her’s aside) she suggests that what causes us to decide in our minds if an individual as either male or female is by them ‘performing’ in such a way that would indicate to us they were male or female (think of clothes as merely props). This is contrasted with the notion that , for instance, i am told i am a man cause i have a penis and therefore i have to ‘act’ like a male. The former would suggest internal control, the latter external influences or validation of one as a gendered body. Also assume here that i have put gender inequality aside and also the nature/nuture debate as well as ignoring biological determinism.
Now, taking on from my small knowledge of metaphysics I could make the statement “anything is merely the result of a roll of the dice”. Apply that to some constructs; culture, ideology and gender. Examples; there are many different cultures all over the world because they all evolved seperately and developed through a combination of human agency and chance, different ideologies are developed because there are infinate possibilities when it comes to forming ideas(Marxism, Despotism, liberalism, buddhism, islam, christianity, green politics etc…) and there is an infinate number of ways in which you can apply meaning to a male or female (ideas of men and women and their social roles vary from culture to culture).
Now i hope these statements are a given…if not i’m in the wrong place…or please stop me here! lol
Focusing on gender and using the logic stated above, in any given alternate reality how you and i view gender -and sex to a certain extent- will be different given that there is virtually no way, through chance, that ideas of gender could be the same in any two given realities- although there is a methematical chance this could occur.
ok so now i have laid the groundwork of my intention it is time for a statement.
- If possibilities are infinate, this would suggest that ideology and therefore ‘meaning’ can be limitless in make up eg. any one person will place an infinate number of possible combinations of meaning onto a can of coke, it will mean different things to everyone. But why attatch meaning onto something? why do we attatch meaning onto the photo of a family holiday at the beach? a pet? a person we love? I will say we attatch meaning to things and SHARE common meaning with other people so we can feel unified and ultimately feel we are stable as a nation, a group, a family or an organisation.
We attatch meaning onto men and women and expect them to behave in a certain way and if they don’t we may think they are weird -a ‘tom-boy’ for instance- and people behave in certain socially sanctioned ways according to their genitalia or how they think of themselves (even transvestites are operating under a socially ‘accetable’/recognisable pretext)
I suppose my final point/question is this… What are we attatching meaning to? cells? a piece of metal? atoms?? Using Butler’s notion that we infer the gender of a person by the way they act, who is the ‘real’ actor? who is performing the gender that we attatch meaning to? Some would suggest that if something has no meaning it doesn’t exist…what is the essence we are attatching meaning to that makes it ‘real’? is it just the form that appears in our brain from reflections of light off a surface or is it something more than that?
This is the concept that is gonna eat at me for a while…what is a body/person without a gender, can someone exist without a gender and who/what is the actor? and i mean remove all your ideas of meaning of gender, androgynous gender, hermaphrodite…homosexual, heterosexual …forget them or better yet, what was a homosexual before people knew what one was? Think of a baby in the womb before its parents knew what sex it was and apply it to a person outside of the womb.
If someone knows of any publications which explore this i’d love to know! and please let me have with your ideas etc…
Thanks for reading