
What’s a BFG666 you ask? When something is entirely disgusting in the best possible way- like, it means the Pope has no hope and even Nietzsche would be bowing down to you… That’s a BFG666.

It would make a good license plate for an extremely phat, black muscle car…

big friendly giant 666?


I wish I had my old 66 mustang back.

beat me to it

I tried to add it to but I think anything I send them from this IP goes straight to the junk folder or something- I never get any replies back as to whether or not a word I have added is published when I send from this IP. The Administrator (who else could it be?) is obviously a fuckhead of the highest caliber. I’ll go to an internet cafe tomorrow where this problem doesn’t exist and do it again from there.

mask your proxy

Don’t know how.

go to a halloween store
