Big Bang Vs. The Eternal Universe.

YAY, my pics are working again thanks to Skeptic.

lol… aww… The first one looks nothing like the others…
I take it that the last picture was pretty old; I say that because you look so much younger in than in other two.

Hey thank you, you so kind…

Both, its important to know stuff, but equally so to have your own ideas and interpretations of what you know.

dominating?? :astonished:
Physical strength is attractive to me, and that’s part of what I meant. But also inner strength… uhh how can I put this… … its just something I feel … in …some …guys… err … I really can’t explain it.

Why would I feel uncomfortable?.. Besides, if I did i would tell you :wink:

By the way, thanks for info of the different places I could go see on campus.

…lol… I knew it!.. I knew you would ask something to do with that.
Major views: equality among people and government.
People do certain jobs because they want to for the good of the society and for their obligation to ‘the other’.
Everyone is obligated to do what is the best interest of everybody else ( that sort of deal).
There are elected members who represent the population and their overall wishes …etc
I think the reason she tried to demonstrate that communism could be good is because at least it strives for a perfect society. Probably never get there but at least it tries. Whereas capitalism, the mask of fascism, strives for what?.. more money, more power… screw the people, screw the weak… etc… etc :unamused:
If you’re really interested, I could ask her for a copy of her presentation.
But I found that there were a lot of holes and loose ends.

hey!.. i didn’t know that… it’s funny because I was talking to a friend of mine just the other day on how we ought to team up and figure out a way to ‘awaken’ the rest of our brain…

About your theory of the brain, i wonder if you borrowed something from Plato’s idea of knowledge being recollection?

Yah, of course… Actually my teacher suggested that we get guest speakers to come in now and again.

Anyhow … i have to go write an essay for economics now :frowning: , due tomorrow !! I really need to stop procrastinating.

Remember how i wrote:

umm, that was based on what i saw before the order got changed… so the first one is now the last one… and the last one is the middle photo…

anyhoo… back to the essay…

The picture with me drinking the martini is closest because of the glasses, but honestly, it makes me look too old. The one with all the static is properly the best representation of how I actually look, except one needs to add the glasses.

Now when you say you like physical strengh, do you mean guys that are buffed up with steroids, guys that go around getting into fights, or guys that are just simply physically strong?

About your friends presentation, I don’t want you to go so far as to get me a copy of her presentation, maybe if she came on the board and just gave a summary of her views - that might be good. But then again, I trust your judgement, and if you found it to be full of holes and loose ends, than maybe its better to wait until she strengthens her arguments.

About my theory of the brain and plato, you might be right. I was influenced by both plato and socrates, well…they’re really the same person since it is plato writing from his recollection of the events of Socrates. Not to mention Aristotle and Descartes as other areas of thought influence.

Good luck on your essay :slight_smile:
I too find myself wandering over to when I am working on an essay. Especially in those moments that I get thirsty and stop to get a drink, or go to the washroom, or eat, or when the phone rings, or when I get really agitated with the essay…I think you see where this is going. But because we know we do this, is exactly why we can stop it. Which is what I did, I specifically tell myself that is off limits when I am doing an essay and I no longer have a problem. Strong will maybe, try it…


aaaa… i finally got home… I feel so loved when I come in and am greeted my Daisy (cat), aww, she’s so cute. You’ll have to ignore me when I talk about cats.
Actually I just came from a philo club meeting… we’re planning a trip to UTM to audit a philosophy lecture, it should be interesting. The trick is going to be finding the right teacher to sit in on.
Speaking of university, i just applied last night… 3 hours before the deadline! But i think I’m going to change a bunch of stuff like what programmers and such.

…lol… just physically strong…

About me communist friend [J/k!], I’ve asked her to come on the forums so she might. Personally I don’t think she will, but I’ve also asked her if it’s ok to send you a copy of her pres and she said she doesn’t mind.

I wish I had your will power, but my mind simply wonders (taking my fingers …and eyes with it) off and usually to ilp or msn or something else.
It’s strange, sometimes I have to be doing something while i work in order to work. I mean, I have to either keep going back and forth between things i have to do, or do something else as I work. Except tv… cant work with tv.
eww… that’s enough talk about work for one lifetime …

By the way… on the other thread… the ‘put a face to the name’ one… you said you weren’t really happy despite the smile… but why? Besides, you’ve got a chocolate martini mmm (… well I’ve never tried it but it sounds good… mmm… chocolate…) that would make anyone happy :wink:
But seriously, why?.. err if of course you want to share…

humm… I think I’m having a craving

Also, I’ve been meaning to ask, what kind of martial arts do you do? I tried karate, long time ago, 2 years give or take. I think I made it to yellow…. Ahy! I can hear that you know… but I just didn’t continue with it. Me and I friend are going to try jujitsu next Thursday. Well not so much try, but watch a class and then decide whether to join or not. I really don’t wana get flipped but apparently I don’t have to worry about that yet cause they don’t flip you flip you until you get to the second level or something… but im not sure :confused:

Did you say cats!?!
I love cats…but…err…umm…well, you see I am allergic to them. One of my friends, that I have been friends with for many years has four cats. Every time I come over I spend my time scratching my nose repetitively, which gets in the way since we usually play PS2 at his house. What kind of a cat is Daisy?

Enjoy your trip to UTM, what does that stand for? I assume UT mean University of Toronto, but what about the ‘M’?

Silver stated:

Didn’t she think it weird that some guy was interested in her views, a guy from a message board whom you nor her really know?

Silver stated:

It’s not how it looks, believe me, when it’s not ilp it’s the phone, or going out for a run, or watching TV, etc.

Silver stated:

Because of who I was with at the time (girlfriend). About the chocolate martini, LOL…it tastes like chocolate water, it smells amazing, and tastes even better.

Silver stated:

LOL. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re definitely female. :wink:

Silver stated:

When I was really young, I believe 8 years old, I took Karate. But it doesn’t really count because I remember almost nothing from it. Later I took Kung-Fu where I learned alot and got what is till this day the best work-out I ever had, well…it’s tied with when I work out at home in the basement (I have a little gym going - weight set, bench press, boxing bag, and a little bit of space to move around). We moved, so I stopped taking Kung-Fu and took Tae-Kwon-Do in my area, it wasn’t bad, it increased my speed and my foot-work improved. After Tae-Kwon-Do I took Kung-Fu again near my house…that has a long story to it. I’ll save it for a later time. Anyway, my parents’ friends had a guy come over from Slovakia (where I am from) who taught, what is the equivalent of CSIS or CIA, in Slovakia; how to defend themselves. The style was the purest form of Aikido. He taught me for about three months, he also use to be a magician, as was I for about a year. So, he taught me Aikido and Magiciany, and I taught him the English language and Computers.
But the best experience I have had learning martial arts has been by expanding my own mind with ideas while working out in my basement or in the park behind my house (at night).

Silver stated:

How did you like it? What did you think of Karate? How come you didn’t continue? (I don’t mean to pry)

Silver stated:

LOL,LOL,LOL, “Me and I friend…” ah, you kill me. Me Magius, what for you do that? What the problem is? I’m not as think as I drunk I am, j/k. Just some funny things my friends and I say as intentional bad english.

Tell Daisy I say “Meowww…”
I’ve been told I have a really good imitation of an actual meoww that a cat makes. I think their right, I turn heads (cat’s heads) when I meow. LOL.

What’s your take silver lilly?

Why yes I did say cats!

ME TOO! AWW they’re SOO cute and agile and cute… awwww… That’s why I suggested you ignore me when i talk about cats… lol
Daisy is a tabby; white belly, black streak down her back and tip of tail, and sandy/gray body with black streaks and spots. During one of my conversations with her I mentioned you said hi, she asked who this guy saying hi to her was… I had to tell her I didn’t really know his name but he seems really nice… and smart… and after telling her all that I know about you she just had one question… What are you doing saying hi to a cat in the first place? … :laughing:

UTM stands for University of Toronto in Mississauga… its on Mississauga road… I’m sure you know it.

LOL… O GOD YES, THE PHONE! I’m surprised by the time I’m done an assignment it hasn’t fused to my ear yet.

…we need to stop this chocolate talk or I’m going to have to pay a visit to the convenience store…

SHUT UP! YOU TOOK KUNG-FU.?!? omygod that is soo cool! i’ve seem sooo many Kung-Fu movie it’s sad. One evening my younger brother and i decide to go rent a trilogy of kung-fu movies… took us till 7 am to finish them… but so worth it.
I really liked karate, still do… I thought it was so sequential but that may have been because i was a beginner. I remember we had to count out laud in Japanese, and that sparked my interest in the language so I took a Japanese course on the weekends and loved it.
But anyways, i didn’t continue because ( and i know this isn’t really the best excuse) i just didn’t have enough time.

dang… so you’re really capable aren’t you… that is amazing…

anyhow… i think theres something wrong with my account here because i keep seeing my name as one of the online useres when im not logged on… hummm

…as for my intentional bad English… ehem…yes …err… ‘intentional’ :blush: don’t be surprised if you see a lot of that… i don’t know who teached me to spoke and writing!

lastly, my friend didn’t think it was weird because I explained to her that i was on a philosophy forum where all sorts of ideas get tossed around, and it so happens I mentioned her presentation and there was some interest from a guy who wanted to hear more… besides, can we really know anyone? >> actually, im not sure if I’m being sarcastic or not…

silver stated:

I love cats, I have a strange relationship with them, every cat I have ever known has always liked me. Even cats that my friends had and warned me that they hate everyone and tend to hiss and claw at people they don’t know. I actually had a really strange encounter with a cat in the park behind my house. One night I went out for a run and there was this cat with the most peculiar look on it’s face staring at me. As strange as this is going to sound, we played. It would get up on its hind legs and we would box, not really box but just clap hands I guess. Then we played king of the hill, or in this case, king of the rock. There are big rocks in the park, the cat would run up on one and I would circle it and try to get up on the rock until finally it would jump off. Then I would get on the rock and the cat would start circling the rock around me, until I got off. Really strange I know…

Silver stated:

Well…yes and no. As much experience I have in martial arts, my actual experience in fighting on the street is almost nil. There is a huge difference there. I would bet all my money on an experienced street fighter who would be against a third degree black belt in just about any martial arts. Furthermore, I have always been, what seemed to be, soft; I guess. Meaning, very against getting into fights. For a long time I thought I was just a mouse inside and had not guts. But I later realized that there were a few moments in my life where there was a cause for defending myself or another, and I acted…rightly. But in the face of aridity and embarrasement, I must say I would take the embarassement over getting into a fight, to a certain degree. Most fights can be walked away from or settled by different means. I try to do that as much as possible. I realized that my inadequacy with my will to fight was not from myself, but what others thought. But as you probably know, people will do anything to see a fight without realizing or caring about whether there should or shouldn’t be a fight in the first place (objectively speaking) - nor do they realize the very nature of the fight and just what it could lead to. I remember, that in grade 8 I got into a fight with a guy who went to punch me and I reacted fast enough for my fist to hit him first. I hit him so hard that he fell to the ground and began yelling he’s blind. Ofcourse I didn’t believe him and jumped on him to give him some more. He and other people later confided to me that he really was blind at that moment (I think I hit him on or near his temple - similar temporary blindnesses have happened in such cases). So if anything, martial arts has given me a sense of human mortality which is often foreshadowed by ego, reputation, and rage in confusion. For fighting really is nothing more than a lack of solving a problem in any other way than the fighters can think of - hence, confusion and stupidity.

I also wanted to mention, although I have never taken any personal instructions on the art, I did study quite thoroughly the martial art called Jeet Kune Do, which became well known thanks to Bruce Lee. I have two of his books and I did the good old, look at pictures and diagrams and then try them out yourself teaching. Plus, I agree with much of Bruce Lee’s philosophy.

About your friends views on communism, if you like and if it isn’t too much trouble, send them to me and I’ll let you know what I think.

What’s your take?